Watched any bad movies lately?

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The last really bad movie I saw was the film version of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead.

So, if you have seen the latest installment of “Left Behind” films, where none of the characters ever curse and the bad guys all have Romanian accents, chime in here.
I saw the Magdalene Sisters which was bad. It had ok acting, but I have a feeling that the movie was a little one-sided. It was also missing some story elements.

Recently, I watched A Clockwork Orange. The movie and its storyline were ok, but it had so many bad qualities. The director went a little too far in some areas, specifically the violence.

I haven’t seen any new movies recently. The last movie I watched was Au Revoir Les Enfants. It was excellent, but very sad.
“Two for the Money” with Mathew McCaughey (sp?) and Al Pacino. Worst movie I’ve seen either of them in.
“Weather Man” was advertised as a “comedy”. It was anything but! It was a stupid, senseless movie…stay away! 😦
Bewitched…what a lousy movie.
I agree on this one; it was pretty bad.

I liked Magdalene Sisters though. Quite a downer and very disturbing, but I thought quite well done.
I made the mistake of watching a bunch of movies on TV with the sound “OFF”. Without the “distraction” of the sound, you could see all the editing, all the bad lighting, the choppiness of the whole production, set problems, bad makeup on the actors, where the actors weren’t even in the same shoot – the editors just spliced various dialog bits together to create a scene.

It spoiled all movies for me. I then proceeded to wreck movies for others as I would point out all the technical “production-value” quality problems.

[For fun, watch “Jaws” without the sound. Bruce, the shark, is a hoot!]

[On the other hand, I save a LOT of time and money by not watching movies… because they’re ALL bad.]
I watched Kingdom of Heaven this weekend…very historically innacurate, not to mention the Christian leaders were portrayed as bloodthirsty while the muslims were wise. Also, I’m not a big fan of the lead character (the guy who played the elf in lord of the rings)…he just isn’t a strong enough actor to take on lead roles.
While cruiseing channels on Sunday night, I came across An American Werewolf in London.
P-ewwww! I hadn’t seen this in 20 years and didn’t realize how bad it was till I saw it again. The “acting” was sooo awful, the script worse.
I guess the big attraction was the special effects because it sure wasn’t anything else!
If you like short stories, watch The Rocking-Horse Winner…

It is hilarious because it is sooo badly done. Think of a child… think of a horse… and think of that early 90’s and the electric piano music 😛
Million Dollar Baby … The first 75% of it ROCKED!! I was actually cheering during the movie. But the end was majorly depressing. She ended up becoming paralyzed from the neck down and her coach “mercy killed” her. :eek:
Ahimsa said:

I’m a video game nut so I also saw Doom a week or so ago. I went in knowing it was going to be pretty bad, and I still ended up leaving disappointed.
I don’t watch too many movies but I just about hated Grave of the Fireflies. The ending was excellent, but certainly not worth the nearly pointless and utterly boring first 90 something % of it.
My wife made me sit through The League of [can’t think of the adjective] Gentlemen a few months ago. It stunk like old French cheese.

The League of Really Bad Acting And Stupid Plot Gentlemen. That was awful. Real title, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Gah! “I have a clever plot! I will… sink Venice!”. Stupid.

I was cruelly forced to watch CaddyShack a few weeks ago. I recently saw The Corpse Bride and thought it was pretty shlocky and unfunny.
Lissla Lissar:
I was cruelly forced to watch CaddyShack a few weeks ago. I recently saw The Corpse Bride and thought it was pretty shlocky and unfunny.
Caddyshack is classic comedy! Love that movie.
It should have been called THE MATRIX REGURGITATED. This Matrix series is just so hokey. I don’t know what is worse, Keanu Reaves stilted acting (and walking around dressed like a Monsignor,) the bad computer animation in the fight scenes, or the hodge podge mix of Eastern mysticism with Judeo/Christian language in the diaglogue. Please no more Matrix movies!
Lissla Lissar:
I was cruelly forced to watch CaddyShack a few weeks ago. I recently saw The Corpse Bride and thought it was pretty shlocky and unfunny.

Caddyshack is a comedy classic. Right up there with my other favorite comedy movie Office Space.
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