It is one’s judgment about the circumstances that justifies the decision to apply it.CP is legitimate under certain cirucumstances . That means that circumstances dictate if it is legitimate or not.
There is no “teaching of the church” about particular circumstances. Those are judgments, not doctrines.…therefore according to the teaching of the Church, it should be forbidden as commanded by God under those circumstances.
Really? That Doctor of the Church was wrong? How about this pope: in your opinion is he wrong as well because his understanding differs from your interpretation of the new version of 2267?Actually, that’s not true at all.
…one should not forget that no human sentence finally and definitively settles the fate of a man, but only the judgment of God, both for single acts and for those of a lifetime. (Pius XII)
What is the argument that what was explicitly taught by the church for centuries should be ignored because of what you think was said last year? Are you really so blase about church doctrine that you have no difficulty in believing today the opposite of what was taught yesterday?