but because the consequences of enforcing such a law seem to have the potential for enabling insane levels of tyranny
To segway, and then bring it’s relevance to discussion, let me try it this way in a round about answer:
When Benjamin Franklin stepped out of one of the Constitutional Conventions, a woman standing by asked him what sorta government we had. He said a republic if could keep it that way.
The Founding Father’s of our country understood tyranny. Not just from the hands of government, but at the hands of the people as well. A people have to keep our country as a republic, not the government. Hence our checks and balances.
If people pursue to take away laws, and allow for excess of freedoms, like erotic imagery, it doesn’t increase freedom, but lessen’s it. And therefore falls in the hands of the tyranny of the people who really cannot control themselves. And hence why by your demonstration things are bad enough.
I know the laws try to regulate it. But, it’s like saying we regulate bad behavior. How so? By giving people the freedom to do about what they want as long as it is consented by two adults, and it’s mutual. Which is a bit naive. For, without much hindsight, that ignores the demonstration that deludes a man and woman the fact of their personhood and dignity. They are not respected as person’s in those demonstrations, but as objectified bodies for lustful provocation.
It is but a small sad tyranny. To do what you want. And the government says yes, but under these conditions: X,Y,Z. I think this draws on the same lines as assisted suicide. Which murder would otherwise be sanctioned under law of the state.
It’s a tyranny. And by allowing leverage/leeway for it, it s a tyranny of the public, not the government.