We are living in the final days!

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I’ve been searching the web to see if there are any updates on the Pope’s health and I could not believe all of the horrible things that people are saying about him – calling for his death, accusing him of all sorts of evils, making horrible sexual comments, etc. This was not the way things were in previous generations. Even if people disagreed with someone, they did not slander them the way that they do now. Not only the Pope but comments about our president. Society in general has become more & more evil.

I find it hard to believe that Sodom and Gomor’rah were worse than our society today especially when you factor in all of the lives lost through abortion which is a sin which cries out to heaven.

I just can’t see how our society can continue much longer on this path without something happening.

Opinions / Comments ?
people have been embarassing themselves by predicitng “last Days” for centuries

We’re told that we won’t know the hour so we just have to be content with that.

We don’t/won’t know

any attempt at prediction seems anti-scriptural to me

meanwhile we have to carry on
I find this post, where evidently you are citing various anti-Catholic websites that deal in prophesy, end times, armageddon type stuff, a fascinating contrast to the other thread on end times and the Marian apparitions that many have and are experiencing in the last 100 years. What a contrast in the “Catholic” view of prophesy and the anti-Catholic. How any Christian could choose to face the “latter days” without the comfort of mother Mary is simply beyond me.
Maybe, Sir Knight. I read some of that garbage. I think it has more to do with the rush of power that comes from anonymnity. Also, I think most of the people who make crass statements are young people, unchurched in our modern world, who spend tons of time on the computer, surfing the web (probably looking at porn!), and who just take a little time out to be anonymously offensive and objectionable. I always wonder,“Does your mother know how you act when she’s not standing there?” Character is doing the right thing even when there’s no one there to see it and not doing the wrong thing even if you know you can get away with it. God bless.
Sir Knight:
This was not the way things were in previous generations. Even if people disagreed with someone, they did not slander them the way that they do now. Not only the Pope but comments about our president. Society in general has become more & more evil.
I think people tend to think the past was more genteel because they weren’t there to see it. I don’t think this day and age is any better or worse than most of history.
Sir Knight:
This was not the way things were in previous generations. Even if people disagreed with someone, they did not slander them the way that they do now. Not only the Pope but comments about our president. Society in general has become more & more evil.
There’s a huge difference between the Holy Father and the President, don’t you think? The first serves God, and the other acts like he IS God – accountable to no one but himself:

“I’m the commander–see, I don’t need to explain–I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”


We have been living in the last days ever since Christ’s resurrection and ascension into heaven.
Nice slanderous comment about our President…I do not believe he has ever equated himself to God…and you should be ashamed of yourself for falsely accusing someone of blasphemy. The President is right…he is the President and he is in charge…he is accountable for all things and holds the ultimate authority on some issues…Period. I own a business and I have told my employees that same exact thing when they ask me why I want them to do something, and I tell them that is illrelevant because I sign their paychecks and unless I tell them to do something that is illegal or immoral, they just need to do it without asking any questions or protesting. And you are wrong…he is accountable to all of America and he must be doing something right in the majority of Americans eyes because he was re-elected…you see, in a democratically elected government, politicians are accountable to the people and we have the ability to vote someone out of office if we don’t approve. Learn something about our government before you fallaciously describe a tyranical, facist, and dictatorial government and try to pass it off as the USA…also, quit slandering people.
There’s a huge difference between the Holy Father and the President, don’t you think? The first serves God, and the other acts like he IS God – accountable to no one but himself:

“I’m the commander–see, I don’t need to explain–I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”


Sir Knight:
I’ve been searching the web to see if there are any updates on the Pope’s health and I could not believe all of the horrible things that people are saying about him – calling for his death, accusing him of all sorts of evils, making horrible sexual comments, etc. This was not the way things were in previous generations. Even if people disagreed with someone, they did not slander them the way that they do now. Not only the Pope but comments about our president. Society in general has become more & more evil.

I find it hard to believe that Sodom and Gomor’rah were worse than our society today especially when you factor in all of the lives lost through abortion which is a sin which cries out to heaven.

I just can’t see how our society can continue much longer on this path without something happening.

Opinions / Comments ?
Nothing new. I don’t think that the world is coming to an end in the immediate future. This stuff has gone on throughout history in one form or another.

As for living in the “last days,” well…yes. The Christ event ushered in the “last days.”
Nice slanderous comment about our President…I do not believe he has ever equated himself to God…and you should be ashamed of yourself for falsely accusing someone of blasphemy. The President is right…he is the President and he is in charge…he is accountable for all things and holds the ultimate authority on some issues…Period. I own a business and I have told my employees that same exact thing when they ask me why I want them to do something, and I tell them that is illrelevant because I sign their paychecks and unless I tell them to do something that is illegal or immoral, they just need to do it without asking any questions or protesting. And you are wrong…he is accountable to all of America and he must be doing something right in the majority of Americans eyes because he was re-elected…you see, in a democratically elected government, politicians are accountable to the people and we have the ability to vote someone out of office if we don’t approve. Learn something about our government before you fallaciously describe a tyranical, facist, and dictatorial government and try to pass it off as the USA…also, quit slandering people.
Bush was only re-elected because his opponent (for whom I voted) was a weak willed, spineless, wimpering simp.

It took Bush 1 1/2 years to **** me off. It took John Kerry 36 hours. That’s got to be an impressive record.

I belive He said that the time would come when we least expect it. If so then it isn’t now, because you expect it.
It depends on how much longer you live. If you only live 4 or 5 more days, then yes you are in your final days. If you mean when is Christ going to return, only The Father knows. We should be ready at all times.
I think it has more to do with the rush of power that comes from anonymnity.
I agree! When you can remain virtually unknown you’re more willing to say anything. If you browse some of these “Anti-Catholic” websites they rarely give contact information, or information about the people or organizations behind them.
As far as I am concerned the Lord could come right now and I would be thrilled.Anyway I am eager to see the devil stripped of all power and shut up for once.I look around the world and in my own life and see the rotten fruits that he has started since Adam and Eve and Aaargh!:mad: God Bless
I try to focus on getting ready for my “last day” be it my own personal death as an individual or in a group as a part of an “end of the world” event. About the only advantage would be that if I face death individually, there will be more people left behind to pray for me.😉
I have to admit that the state the world is in seems to be worsening. This can be seen on many levels. There seems to be worse natural disasters occuring with more frequency. (however some would argue that this is due to more population, worldwide media reporting, etc.) There is a definite decline in morality accross the globe. (Now we are only talking about A.D., not before Christ). When I think of how my Mother describes the world she grew up in and I compare it to my experience, it seems amazingly apparent that there is a signifigant decline in our society. Does this mean these are the Last Days? Only heaven knows for sure. Perhaps we are entering into the period of time before the return of Christ. Perhaps this could go on for thousands more years. I hope not, but if Christ were to come soon, I would not complain. I would have a lot of explaining to do :rolleyes: , but I would not complain!! Guess we just have to keep praying and doing the best we can, and strengthen each other on our way!
I always think that each generation must have thought they were living in the end times.
Of interest is the following:

Context is the Signs of the End of the Age(Matt 24).

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

That phrase only occurs in Matthews account. If it can be taken at face value, it would seem to imply that the end will not come at least until the gospel has been preached to all nations (nations may refer to “people groups”).

Add to this the fact that organizations like Wycliffe Bible Translators hope to have at least partial Bible translations in all the 6000+ languages of the world by 2025. As of last year they were saying that there were at least partial translations in over 3000 languages.
There’s a huge difference between the Holy Father and the President, don’t you think? The first serves God, and the other acts like he IS God – accountable to no one but himself:

“I’m the commander–see, I don’t need to explain–I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”


Why do you say he is not accountable did someone prevent you from voting?

Of course he is accountable there is nothing he can do that the legislature and the judiciary can’t over turn.

Is it possible you just can’t face the fact you lost?
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