I’ve been searching the web to see if there are any updates on the Pope’s health and I could not believe all of the horrible things that people are saying about him – calling for his death, accusing him of all sorts of evils, making horrible sexual comments, etc. This was not the way things were in previous generations. Even if people disagreed with someone, they did not slander them the way that they do now. Not only the Pope but comments about our president. Society in general has become more & more evil.
I find it hard to believe that Sodom and Gomor’rah were worse than our society today especially when you factor in all of the lives lost through abortion which is a sin which cries out to heaven.
I just can’t see how our society can continue much longer on this path without something happening.
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I find it hard to believe that Sodom and Gomor’rah were worse than our society today especially when you factor in all of the lives lost through abortion which is a sin which cries out to heaven.
I just can’t see how our society can continue much longer on this path without something happening.
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