We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom

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When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public and the Liberty Bell was sounded in celebration, a witness said, “It rang as if it meant something.” In our time it means something still. America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof. Renewed in our strength - tested, but not weary - we are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom.

The full text of the President’s speech is here:


more here

This speech was remarkable and was full of vision and hope. It was his best so far, and I didn’t find any flaws in it. Our freedom rests on the freesom of all in the whole world. We have a long way to go, but I think it is a worthy cause.
The speech was MAGNIFICENT. While I greatly admire the President I often find myself wincing as he speaks. But he not only had the most inspiring words, his delivery was fabulous.

Mrs. Bush, Jenna and Barbara looked lovely and radiant and the Chief Justice while frail still spoke with resolve and authority. It was a wonderful and historical event.

Lisa N
I listened to it on the radio here in my office. Sounded like a speech that will be in history books, much like that of JFK’s.

Even a detractor of the President would have to admit that.
I did not get to hear the speach but from what I have read on the internet it was very good. 50 years from now I think history will say GWB’s greatest achievement was setting up democracy in the Muslim world and giving people who had never been free a chance to choose their own destiny. I pray it will also show that he was able to get the courts to reverse Roe v Wade and stop gay marriage.
I wonder how a murdered unborn baby is somehow free?
They are not free yet, and the president did mention those unborn.
I wonder how a murdered unborn baby is somehow free?
from the speech:

In America’s ideal of freedom, the exercise of rights is ennobled by service, and mercy, and a heart for the weak. Liberty for all does not mean independence from one another. Our nation relies on men and women who look after a neighbor and surround the lost with love. Americans, at our best, value the life we see in one another, and must always remember that even the unwanted have worth. And our country must abandon all the habits of racism, because we cannot carry the message of freedom and the baggage of bigotry at the same time.

He rarely ever says anything about the unborn, he is more worried about social security, taxes, and terrorism, then he is about the unborn or even the instutition of marriage. While I think those issues are incredibly important, it is sad to think we will try to make entire nations of the world free, while at home we murder 1.5 million babies a year and we go about trying to completely destroy marriage.

In your excerpt, there is NOT one word about the unborn. I feel that abortion and the marriage amendment have completely taken a backseat to social security, tax reform and the war on terrorism. Bush sees his legacy as being about creating freedom and creating a better financial base for this country–both of those would be wonderful goals if we were not murdering 4,000 babies everyday, and if we were not routinely trying to tear apart the fabric of marriage.

While we arrogantly go about trying to free other nations, we are slaughtering our own. Shame on us.
Brilliant speach (and I never thought I would say that about Bush) lofty ideals, if it came to fruition without the accompanying death and destruction the world would be a wonderful place. Sadly I have listened to rhetoric for too many years. If it works, great, but I’m too old to hold my breath for long.

Here’s hoping:amen:

He rarely ever says anything about the unborn, he is more worried about social security, taxes, and terrorism, then he is about the unborn or even the instutition of marriage. While I think those issues are incredibly important, it is sad to think we will try to make entire nations of the world free, while at home we murder 1.5 million babies a year and we go about trying to completely destroy marriage.
He has done more than the previous administration. We shall all have to be steadfast in voting for life also. The Dems should take note and we should VOTE LIFE. It is up to us.
Where does it say in the speech he should make monkey faces and Wave his hands like a chicken?

I sincerely like President Bush, and I voted for him both times, and I still think he is a far better choice than Kerry. However, he is a complete failure regarding life and marriage…and no amount of “spin” will change that. He has not saved one unborn life in the United States during his first term, and really never bothers to mention it anymore. His admin is willing to spend millions on an advertising campaign to encourage social security reform…yet they have not spent on dime trying to gather support for life.

What sort of people are we collectively if we are willing to literally fight to make other people free, while murdering the most precious and most vulnerable people around us (the unborn)? What does it say when oru President use abortion and marriage during his campaign, but now has gone completely quiet on both issues, and has lifted social security reform and tax reform up to the top two on his agenda.

He has great visions and plans–yet those plans do not include the unborn or the institution of marriage. He does not have to get our votes anymore, so he can do whatever he wants–and we can all see where his priorities lie.

Next time I will not be fooled again.
I listened to it on the radio here in my office. Sounded like a speech that will be in history books, much like that of JFK’s.

Even a detractor of the President would have to admit that.
Yes, but whether it becomes a testament or an indictment depends on what he does. I hope he backs up those words with actions. I’m not optimistic, but I’d love to be proven wrong.

I think his line about even the unwanted having worth referred to both the poor and the unborn. The rhetoric was veiled, but it fit in with the rest of the speech. I hope his policies acknowledge their worth in a more concrete and practical manner.
Yes, but whether it becomes a testament or an indictment depends on what he does. I hope he backs up those words with actions. I’m not optimistic, but I’d love to be proven wrong.

I think his line about even the unwanted having worth referred to both the poor and the unborn. The rhetoric was veiled, but it fit in with the rest of the speech. I hope his policies acknowledge their worth in a more concrete and practical manner.
Would you have to same commentary if it was Kerry up there??

I might as well, but I BELIEVE Bush. Lofty rhetoric?? Yes. And yet, I think he will succeed.

even when Clinton gave his Laundry List speeches, It sounded great, but I know he would NEVER actually do it.

I think Bush will, though.

I agree with your view, however. Politicians say alot. Rarely do they keep their promises. The history books will say if he does.
What sort of people are we collectively if we are willing to literally fight to make other people free, while murdering the most precious and most vulnerable people around us (the unborn)? What does it say when oru President use abortion and marriage during his campaign, but now has gone completely quiet on both issues, and has lifted social security reform and tax reform up to the top two on his agenda.
I agree, we need to protect the unborn. It needs to be more than a campaign tool, or empty rhetoric. We, the people, need to remind our legislators and to always vote LIFE. We are as responsible as our president. I will be hopeful that our Prolife rallies that are going to be held next weekend in Washington will be well attended and that we do make headway on this most important issue.
If you’ll recall, it was his idea to create an ammendment that defended and defined marriage. Sadly, it was congress that destroyed that idea. Luckily, the majority of states have begun to address the issue on their own, as demonstrated by the recent decisions in Florida and Indiana where State Courts have upheld laws that define marriage as between a man and a woman and that refuse to recognize gay unions that took place in other states as being marriages.

The second term of a presidency usually reveals far more about the president than the first.A second term president is far more free to act according to his desires than he was in his first term when he still had to seek reelection. I think that many of us on the Pro-Life front will be pleasantly surprised with this second term. The President now has a congress that is more Republican (and conservative) and a Democratic opposition that is in a state of disarray and conflict within itself. I expect to see at least one and perhaps as many as three Supreme Court justices appointed wihtin the next four years. I believe you will then see an overturning of Roe vs. Wade and the issue will be decided where it belongs, in the states. I expect that abortion votes will also fall along red/blue state lines, it will at least be the voice of the people speaking and not judicial fiat. We must continue to make people aware of the crime that is abortion to all within hearing however; the President is the first in a long time who is on our side, give him the support that he needs now that he is in a position to act.

We did our part (regarding the President), we voted him back into office on the platform of life, and of protecting marriage. I don’t anyone who voted for Bush because he was going to make social security and taxes a priority (I am sure some did though). That means Bush has turned his back on the very people who placed him office for a second term.

They can fool me only once…I will not let it happen again. If the repubs do nothing real for life during Bush’s term, and if they nothing real to protect marriage during Bush’s term, then I will consider the repubs to be a bunch of blowhards that have no intentions on changing the nation.

Frankly, in many ways I feel like was duped.
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