We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom

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Would you have to same commentary if it was Kerry up there??

I might as well, but I BELIEVE Bush. Lofty rhetoric?? Yes. And yet, I think he will succeed.

even when Clinton gave his Laundry List speeches, It sounded great, but I know he would NEVER actually do it.

I think Bush will, though.

I agree with your view, however. Politicians say alot. Rarely do they keep their promises. The history books will say if he does.
We would all be asleep now if Kerry had been up there. Like him or don’t like him, he could bore a fence post to death.

Second terms are very tough, and for better or worse, Mr. Bush has his cut out to be among the very toughest. It brings to mind a quote from the start of his first term, when he asked us to pray for America… to which Jon Stewart of the Daily Show replied, “We’re way ahead of you, Mr. President.”

On that, both sides can agree!
They can fool me only once…I will not let it happen again. If the repubs do nothing real for life during Bush’s term, and if they nothing real to protect marriage during Bush’s term, then I will consider the repubs to be a bunch of blowhards that have no intentions on changing the nation.

Frankly, in many ways I feel like was duped.
You’re right. I am frustrated, too. I think the time to let our views be known is now. We need to write and yell at both sides that we are keeping notes for our votes two years down the road, that we aren’t going to wait for the media to hold their feet to the fire, that we are no longer going to be placated with feel-good sound bites and vague indictments of the opposition. We aren’t going to be bought off with half-truths and little meatless bones. We want some real leadership.

We did our part (regarding the President), we voted him back into office on the platform of life, and of protecting marriage. I don’t anyone who voted for Bush because he was going to make social security and taxes a priority (I am sure some did though). That means Bush has turned his back on the very people who placed him office for a second term.

They can fool me only once…I will not let it happen again. If the repubs do nothing real for life during Bush’s term, and if they nothing real to protect marriage during Bush’s term, then I will consider the repubs to be a bunch of blowhards that have no intentions on changing the nation.

Frankly, in many ways I feel like was duped.
From one conservative to another, you apparrently lack an understanding of politics and how to win the unseamly game played in DC.

I voted for the guy for ALL those reasons. I also voted for the guy because he WASN’T Kerry, or Dean, or Kuscinich, or Sharpton, or Gephardt, or Mosley-Braun, or Edwards, or Leiberman. What all these candidates had in common, scarily enough, is that they have the machinery to WIN. And the second is that not ONE of these candidates are REMOTELY pro-life!!!

Bush was not only waaaay more pro-life, but ELECTIBLE too. NEVER ever forget that.

He was elected by capitalists. He was elected my warhawks. He was elected by security moms. He was elected by the pro-life religiously observant. He was elected by pro-choice libertarians and republicans and by pro-life democrats.

Our ONLY ray of hope (the most pro-life and most ELECTABLE) was elected!! And with his election, the most pro-life Congress since 1960(??)

YOU CAN’T expect his ONLY concern to be FMA and Roe v Wade, can you??

You can’t expect a team to win a Championship without having players who are disciplined and patient. Move the ball. Find an opening. Analyze. Pick your spots. Capitalize. Move again. Wear 'em down. Find their weak spots, go to your strenths. Pressure.

The team that passionately shoots 30 footers or “throws long” from the opening gun isn’t going anywhere.

We have the team: One president, 55-45 Senate, and a House in big-time majority.

Am I nervous?? Sure. This is the big oppurtunity we’ve been wating for for…25 years??? Can they blow it?? Yeah.

We won’t.

I am a 47 year-old adult, I do not need rah-rah speeches about how wonderful a team Bush has. Frankly, the proof is in actions, not words.

Bush spoke a great game during the campaign, and he and Rove appealed to all of their various constituents…yet they pressed very hard for the life issues and for marriage. Yet, they are quite silent in recent times about both of those issues. Let me tell you, fixing social security has no meaning at all if we are busy killing babies.

I am a realist as well and yes I do know that politics is a game that must be played. Yet, Bush is showing a deep and intense attachment to his ideal of freedom across the globe, for his ideal of fixing social security and taxes…and frankly there is only so much time and so much “political capital” for him to spend. Within one year Bush will already enter his lame duck years–it is now or never–if he continues to push for his freedom and social security agendas, then he will never have an oportunity to do anything with abortion, life issues or marriage. From what I heard yesterday, the marriage amendment is already all but dropped.

Pro-life people voted him so that he would take an aggresive stance for life–we did NOT vote him in to save social security (though that is important as well).

So please, do not assume that I need an internet pep-rally, frankly that is insulting. What this country needs are some brave people who do not care about legacies…we need people who care about doing what is right! Let’s pray and hope that President Bush is that person–right now I am VERY concerned, I feel we have been seriously and quite cleverly duped.

I agree! We will never have the opportunity we have right now. The dems will get back into power, politics is circular. The strongest chance we have had since roe v wade, we must NOT let this opportunity pass–the lives of millions of innocent babies lie in the balance.

I am a 47 year-old adult, I do not need rah-rah speeches about how wonderful a team Bush has. Frankly, the proof is in actions, not words.

Bush spoke a great game during the campaign, and he and Rove appealed to all of their various constituents…yet they pressed very hard for the life issues and for marriage. Yet, they are quite silent in recent times about both of those issues. Let me tell you, fixing social security has no meaning at all if we are busy killing babies.

I am a realist as well and yes I do know that politics is a game that must be played. Yet, Bush is showing a deep and intense attachment to his ideal of freedom across the globe, for his ideal of fixing social security and taxes…and frankly there is only so much time and so much “political capital” for him to spend. Within one year Bush will already enter his lame duck years–it is now or never–if he continues to push for his freedom and social security agendas, then he will never have an oportunity to do anything with abortion, life issues or marriage. From what I heard yesterday, the marriage amendment is already all but dropped.

Pro-life people voted him so that he would take an aggresive stance for life–we did NOT vote him in to save social security (though that is important as well).

So please, do not assume that I need an internet pep-rally, frankly that is insulting. What this country needs are some brave people who do not care about legacies…we need people who care about doing what is right! Let’s pray and hope that President Bush is that person–right now I am VERY concerned, I feel we have been seriously and quite cleverly duped.
A slap deserves a slap back. Touche.

The ONLY chance we have is fixing the Judiciary. However many laws a pro-life congress writes up and passes, and the president signs, it doesn’t matter if the high courts are full of left-wing activists.

AGAIN, a realist knows that he voted for Bush both with one arm stiff-arming the pro-aborts and another arm pointing at the goal line.

BOTH arms have real political value in the real world.

That said, we are in the same locker room. We’re going to win.
I think perhaps thee is a bit of an overreaction and an impatience which really isn’t quite fair.

The man won an election in November past, he was only inaugaurated today. I mean we have a term of 4 years here and we can already see the resistance that SCOTUS judges have about leaving - why Rehnquist doesn’t simply resign and offer the country a Chief Justice to replace himself is somewhat beyond common sense at this point.

We see the senate confirmations for people who ought to be shoo ins and watch as Pelosi and Biden use these people to grandstand and I won’t even bring up Byrd - for heaven’s sake, talk about someone whose been in his seat too long. The longer this stuff goes on, the sadder the entire Democratic party looks. Not a one of them cares about the country nor the reputations they ruin as they pass on parade - it seems the party has suddenly gone bereft of anyone with political principles or good judgement.
from the speech:

*Today, America speaks anew to the peoples of the world: *All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you.

Democratic reformers facing repression, prison, or exile can know: America sees you for who you are: the future leaders of your free country.
I think perhaps thee is a bit of an overreaction and an impatience which really isn’t quite fair.

The man won an election in November past, he was only inaugaurated today. I mean we have a term of 4 years here and we can already see the resistance that SCOTUS judges have about leaving - why Rehnquist doesn’t simply resign and offer the country a Chief Justice to replace himself is somewhat beyond common sense at this point.

We see the senate confirmations for people who ought to be shoo ins and watch as Pelosi and Biden use these people to grandstand and I won’t even bring up Byrd - for heaven’s sake, talk about someone whose been in his seat too long. The longer this stuff goes on, the sadder the entire Democratic party looks. Not a one of them cares about the country nor the reputations they ruin as they pass on parade - it seems the party has suddenly gone bereft of anyone with political principles or good judgement.
Amen. I just cannot fathom how such defeatest rhetoric results when the most pro life president in modern history takes office. Imagine the alternative! And if President Bush had done ‘nothing’ about abortion why is Planned Parenthood about wetting down both legs claiming that ‘reproductive freedom is being challenged as never before!’ Why are the Boxers and Pelosi’s of the world getting more and more shrill about ‘women’s rights?’ They are scared and it’s time for us to go for it. Quite honestly the Dems are probably much more vulnerable and will seriously consider moving away from “abortion anytime for any reason” stance. They see how far that got them! They see the impact of the values voter and the loss of what they thought were strong constituancies such as Catholics and certain Jewish groups.

We need to be vocal, active and strong as the possible nominations for the USSC take place. Plus as several have suggested, stay in touch with local and state politicos as well (rather hopeless in my nutty state but there’s always Senator Smith). We are in better shape now as a movement and gaining momentum. Let’s keep it up.

Lisa N (totally pumped by the speech and the whole day)
Lisa N:
Amen. I just cannot fathom how such defeatest rhetoric results when the most pro life president in modern history takes office. Imagine the alternative! And if President Bush had done ‘nothing’ about abortion why is Planned Parenthood about wetting down both legs claiming that ‘reproductive freedom is being challenged as never before!’ Why are the Boxers and Pelosi’s of the world getting more and more shrill about ‘women’s rights?’ They are scared and it’s time for us to go for it. Quite honestly the Dems are probably much more vulnerable and will seriously consider moving away from “abortion anytime for any reason” stance. They see how far that got them! They see the impact of the values voter and the loss of what they thought were strong constituancies such as Catholics and certain Jewish groups.

We need to be vocal, active and strong as the possible nominations for the USSC take place. Plus as several have suggested, stay in touch with local and state politicos as well (rather hopeless in my nutty state but there’s always Senator Smith). We are in better shape now as a movement and gaining momentum. Let’s keep it up.

Lisa N (totally pumped by the speech and the whole day)
Hi Lisa,
Yes I agree…very good post 👍

Time will tell.

From my perspective President Bush has a laser-like focus on terror and on reforming social security and taxes…like it or not, he cannot do it all and I fear that once again life and marriage will be placed in the background. In 2008 Americans will likely desire a real change, the dems have a decent chance of getting into the White House simply because there will be “republican” burnout by then. Our chance is right now!
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