There are two proof for this one is strong and the other is weak as following:
Consciousness is irreducible:
Consciousness is irreducible:
- Consciousness is the ability to experience and affect other mental states
- The experience is unitary meaning that it cannot be decomposed
- Lets assume that consciousness is reducible
- This means that there are certain beings that consciousness is derived from
- This means that the act experience is divisible
- (2) and (5) contradict each other since consciousness is not reducible
- What is not irreducible is not a thing but a being
- This means that consciousness does not need anything to exist
- This means that consciousness cannot be created
- Consciousness is the ability to experience and affect other mental states
- The ability to affect other mental states must be primary meaning that nothing can cause it
- Lets assume that the consciousness is not primary
- This means that we fall in trap of causality hence anything is followed by its cause
- This means that there is no role for consciousness
- We know that we can act consciously
- From (5) and (6) we can deduce that consciousness is primary
- This means that what is primary by definition doesn’t need any cause
- Consciousness does not need any creator