ans 1: true 2;true 3;true 4:False, God is not a state of existence, He is Existence. God always is, Creation is in the state of time (Change) 5:False, refer to ans 4 Ans: 6:the error is in your logic, and understanding. Ans 7: 1 is right, and 2 is still rightYou are mis[INDEN
- There is no before and after in state of timeless
- Creation by definition is a state of being that comes to existence by an external agent
- This means that universe did not exist before creation and exist after
- This means that there exist two state of existence, God only, and God plus universe
- This means that the second state of existence (God and creation) comes after the first one (God only)
- (1) and (5) contradict each other since God is in state of timeless and cannot exist in two different mode of existence, one follows another
- Hence (1) is wrong if we accept (2)