Here is what I said on another thread about reincarnation.
I have thought about this before, in connection with my own existence. I have always thought that the fact that I exist (I not we, and not life in general. My own life and existence.) is both the most amazing and absurd idea there is. For 15 billion years the universe existed and nothing made any sense. Rocks collided and stars exploded. All of a sudden 31 years ago, I was born, and everything slowly began to make sense. It wasn’t just rocks colliding and stars exploding anymore.
It also struck me that there are billions of other people in this world who are not me. That is strange that they all exist and have their own experiences, yet none of them are shared. I don’t share their experience and they don’t share mine. They force me to consider my own life in relation to theirs. I am forced to question why or how it is that I exist as opposed to some other possible person. And what is it that distinguishes me from every other person. What is it that makes me me, and makes them them? Why do I know these experiences and not those? Why don’t i experience and know what they feel, and why don’t they know what i experience? All I can say is, “I” exist. That is at once the most personal, rational, and emotional idea.
There has to be some way to explain on the one hand the fact that I didn’t live and experience life at one time, and in a short period of time, presumably, I won’t live and exist any longer. There is a certain discontinuity that needs explained. On the other hand there is the multiplicity of existences that need explained. There are two possibilities that I see of explaining this. The first one is according to the western religious perspective. There is a God who exists independently of time and space, who created the world and all life. Each person has a soul that is the source of the knowing “I”.
The other possibility is that consciousness is simply a natural property of the univers and human life is the product of the universe’s yearning toward self consciousness. So I am just an expression of the universe, and it is all my memories and experiences that combine to form my self. It is my brain anatomy and chemistry that distinguishes me from every other person. My anatomy is the source of my experiences and thoughts, so that is the source of me. On the other hand, our sense of self as opposed to others is just an illusion. We are all just expressions of the universe. All my life is just a momentary instance of the universe. So since consciousness is simply a property of the universe, reincarnation is possible, and even likely. We are all just an expression of a property of the universe, so it is possible that sometime after I die, I will live, experience, and know again. But since my anatomy and brain are the source of my memories, I wouldn’t remember this life. It would appear to be completely independent.