How do you know for sure that St. Johm Paul II. cannot actualize his knowing into thought?
This is how they know, as I said, by direct inspiration from God of what concerns them, they do not think thoughts or reason about it, but “simply” know.
I will let St. Thomas explain:
Summa, Treatise on the Resurrection, Question 72, Article 1
"I answer that, The Divine essence is a sufficient medium for knowing all things, and this is evident from the fact that God, by seeing His essence, sees all things. But it does not follow that whoever sees God’s essence knows all things, but only those who comprehend the essence of God
Cf. FP, Q[12], AA[7],8]: even as the knowledge of a principle does not involve the knowledge of all that follows from that principle unless the whole virtue of the principle be comprehended. Wherefore, since the souls of the saints do not comprehend the Divine essence, it does not follow that they know all that can be known by the Divine essence—for which reason the lower angels are taught concerning certain matters by the higher angels, though they all see the essence of God; but each of the blessed must needs see in the Divine essence as many other things as the perfection of his happiness requires. For the perfection of a man’s happiness requires him to have whatever he will, and to will nothing amiss: and each one wills with a right will, to know what concerns himself. Hence since no rectitude is lacking to the saints, they wish to know what concerns themselves, and consequently* it follows that they know it in the Word.** Now it pertains to their glory that they assist the needy for their salvation: for thus they become God’s co-operators, “than which nothing is more Godlike,” as Dionysius declares (Coel. Hier. iii). Wherefore it is evident that the saints are cognizant of such things as are required for this purpose; and so it is manifest that** they know in the Word ** [direct inspiration from God] the vows, devotions, and prayers of those who have recourse to their assistance.
Reply to Objection 5: God alone of Himself knows the thoughts of the heart: yet others know them (know the prayer to the Saint), in so far as these are revealed to them, either by** their vision of the Word **[directly from the inspiration from God] or by any other means [inspiration by an Angel from God]. "
Brackets ] are my insertions. The Saints are “beatified” (happy-ified). They are at the place of the satisfaction of their will, not by trying to think about how to be happy, but instantaneously. God reveals to their knowing what we are praying to them, Our prayers do not go directly to them. And they simply KNOW our desires by God inspiring that knowing in them. And when they Will (for the Will is in the soul), they have no brain to think how to help us, but only know it is good that we be helped. And God, granting them all happiness (beatification) inspires them to know he is helping and to know exactly what he is doing if knowing that is necessary for their happiness. So, they know, they will, and they are satisfied, all in an instant.