We Have to Remember That the Catholic Magisterium is Binding on all Catholics

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He is not contradicting Church teaching on sexual morality.
how do we know that if he hasn’t clarified what the statement meant?

especially when he has changed things like the death penalty in the past.
He doesn’t need to clarify the statement because it was addressing a pastoral approach of ministering. He was having a think bubble regarding the plight gay people are in and the prejudice they face. It was merely a talking point that has been discussed by theologians before. Not an endorsement of civil unions as we know them.
The Pope fully endorsed Same Sex Civil Unions
No he doesn’t… nowhere does he say that he thinks civil unions are good. He simply says that all people should be protected by laws…

He’s been unequivocal in stating that marriage is between a man and woman.

God continue to Bless Pope Francis…may his loving hand protect you.
He doesn’t need to clarify the statement because it was addressing a pastoral approach of ministering.
we don’t follow blindly and a pastoral approach that causes confusion among the elect needs clarification
It was merely a talking point that has been discussed by theologians before
it is contrary to Catholic teaching.
Not an endorsement of civil unions as we know them.
how do you know what he is or isn’t endorsing?
He’s been unequivocal in stating that marriage is between a man and woman.
until now!

as this priest says, we need to pray for Pope Francis

Unless a person is inclined to truly adopt the pastoral nature of Jesus so evident throughout the Gospels, they won’t understand the loving approach of Pope Francis. He is not contradicting Church teaching on sexual morality. He is showing us how to walk along side sinners as Jesus did. There’ve been loads of Saints who did the same thing. Critics of Mother St Teresa used to accuse her of the same supposed ‘heresy’ of ministering to heathens without condemning their sins and unbelief. But our favorite Saint of the power of osmosis is Saint Francis himself. God, Make Us Channels of Your Peace bringing love where there is hatred. Pardon where there is injury. Faith were there is doubt. Hope were there is despair. Light were there is darkness. Joy were there is sadness.
Let’s not overexaggerate, though the media is misreporting.
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While I do not believe that Pope Francis was endorsing civil unions in any way, the Pope should be more careful in his words and is obliged to clarify what he means. Out of the 7.5 billion people on the planet, about 1.2 billion are Catholic. Out of the 1.2 billion Catholics, about 30% are maybe practicing Catholics. Out of the 300 million or so, many are not catechized well and many are just lay fok who don’t speak “magisterium” or “latin” or have the ability to parse through his words. He has an obligation to herd his flock and all of those who are lost, so if his words are causing division because they are confusing, he needs to clarify. If his words are causing division because they are clear and people do not want to follow, then let them be Pharisees.

And while it is true that the MSM and others will do anything they can to destroy the Pope and his credibility and bring any negative attention to him, they have a point, and we as faithful Catholics should be worried when the Vicar of Christ cannot make a clear point. I listened to everything he said in context because they often take him out of context, but what he said was truly perplexing, unless you were a well-catechized Catholic, and even listening to many priests, while they too believed he had not endorsed it, had to do hour podcasts just to clarify what he said.
…and even listening to many priests, while they too believed he had not endorsed it, had to do hour podcasts just to clarify what he said.
See, this is my issue with his statements. Even once they were ‘clarified’ it didn’t really get any clearer. If B has to spend an hour analyzing the comments of A, I don’t think you can say the fault lies in listener C for misunderstanding A. At some point one must question the speaking abilities of A.
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I agree with you. His statement cause more harm to the Church then they help. I’m sure he is not doing it intentionally, but someone needs to advise him that there are people who may misinterpret.

It’s like when Jesus said, “This is my body.” He was clear. There was no qualification, no confusion. People were then free to say “he’s a nut” or “I will follow”. Making ambiguous statements hoping to win souls is not a good strategy.

I get the whole “total obedience” thing in the Church hierarchy, but at some point, we are all humans, all sinners, and all imperfect. I think someone close to the Pope can just be a friend, and say “Hey, maybe you want to clarify that…”.
until now!
False… I can not stand by and let the Holy Father be disparaged falsely…

He has done nothing to undermine marriage as being between a man and a woman… I challenge you to provide any evidence to the contrary or ask that you retract you false statement.
He has done nothing to undermine marriage as being between a man and a woman… I challenge you to provide any evidence to the contrary or ask that you retract you false statement.
Civil unions. Enough said.
Not nearly enough said… please go ahead and provide any evidence of the that Pope has endorsed gay marriage or out of decency retract your false statement
You asked for something that undermined marriage. I provided it.
He has done nothing to undermine marriage as being between a man and a woman… I challenge you to provide any evidence to the contrary or ask that you retract you false statement.
he said what he said, why do you think it is all over the internet and media,

if it wasn’t controversial it wouldn’t be the issue it is.

why are some priests trying to clarify it and others calling him wrong? even the priests are on both sides of this. did you see the video I posted?
Please note.

I was wrong, I am sorry, for my critical comments yesterday, 2020-10-22, about the Pope’s recent “civil union” comments.

I thank… www.CatholicWorldReport.com …for clarification.

I should have known not to immediately trust the mainstream Non-Catholic new media.

The Pope was not supporting “same-sex-marriage” and he was not supporting “same-sex-sex” and so on.

The Pope was supporting “legal protections for same-sex platonic relationships” and that is it.

Now, the Pope’s comments make good sense.

Here is a link to a true Catholic source with all the details.


God bless you.


Mark Kamoski
BTW, see… www.CatholicWorldReport.com …for clarification.

The Pope was not supporting “same-sex-marriage” and he was not supporting “same-sex-sex” and so on.

The Pope was supporting “legal protections for same-sex platonic relationships” and that is it.
The Pope was supporting “legal protections for same-sex platonic relationships” and that is it.
These platonic relationships exclude brothers, father-son, mother-daughter, aunt-niece, uncle-nephew, cousins, and many other platonic types of relationships. That’s a peculiar feature for a platonic union.

Also, why should homosexuals be legally protected? Even if platonic? Why? Why? Why?
So long as the Pope refrains from issuing a clarification or refutation he is associating himself with the view ascribed to him by the world’s media.
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