I write this from my own experience personally and other gay and lesbian Catholics I know:
We who were raised in the Church KNOW Church teaching. I can’t think of any gay man or lesbian Catholic I know who doesn’t know it. What we don’t always know is WHY.
And inevitably whn we ask, we get some variation of “Because God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” Which to a young person growing up today, they see Adam and Steve and Alana and Eve all around them. So that doesn’t hold much water.
Or we get the quick response that sex is for marital love that is opened to procreation. And we see our mother’s getiing prescriptions filled for contraceptives or we find condoms in our dad’s sock drawer. And what about the 80 yr old who marries a70yr old who has had a hysterectomy. That makes no sense either. --After almost 30 yrs what actually made the difference to me was John Paul II’ Man and woman He created them… A Theology of the Body. Because it was not a book about heterosexuality, homosexuality, or asexuality. It is a book about my favorite topic__“Eucharist!” He actually had very little to say specifically about homosexuals.He gave solid explanation of what our human bodies are for.And why “man” and “woman” have equal but distinctly different roles to play in being image of God.–Man AND Woman He created us;not man OR woman. We are not interchangeable.
His theology spoke volumes to me because he didn’t speak to me as a lesbian or( woman with same sex attraction) , he spoke to me as a woman of faith who was searching for truth. He wrote about the truth of Eucharist and Trinitarian love.
When I started going back to church, I was greeted by some elderly women. I watched their devotion and faithfulness. Their example made me hungry for what they had. They know I had been away, I’m sure a couple of them know why (small town) but not once did they confront me. They welcomed me, they look for me.Over the past 3 or 4 years, I have grown with them and they with me. Want to do more to reach out? (Absolutely, if it comes up-in word or public action- stand faithful and true to what the church teaches. Otherwise,) live as you would have others live that speaks in greater volumn.
We must stand for the truth and we must defend marriage and we must correct our brothers and sisters in blatantly sinful behavior. But we must also be honest serious sin is serious sin. But in my experience and that of others I know, it seems people are talking out of both sides of their mouths when singling out homosexual activity, but no one says a word when everyone knows the usher is cheating on his wife, or a member of the ladies altar society is always with her “friend”.
We who were raised in the Church KNOW Church teaching. I can’t think of any gay man or lesbian Catholic I know who doesn’t know it. What we don’t always know is WHY.
And inevitably whn we ask, we get some variation of “Because God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” Which to a young person growing up today, they see Adam and Steve and Alana and Eve all around them. So that doesn’t hold much water.
Or we get the quick response that sex is for marital love that is opened to procreation. And we see our mother’s getiing prescriptions filled for contraceptives or we find condoms in our dad’s sock drawer. And what about the 80 yr old who marries a70yr old who has had a hysterectomy. That makes no sense either. --After almost 30 yrs what actually made the difference to me was John Paul II’ Man and woman He created them… A Theology of the Body. Because it was not a book about heterosexuality, homosexuality, or asexuality. It is a book about my favorite topic__“Eucharist!” He actually had very little to say specifically about homosexuals.He gave solid explanation of what our human bodies are for.And why “man” and “woman” have equal but distinctly different roles to play in being image of God.–Man AND Woman He created us;not man OR woman. We are not interchangeable.
His theology spoke volumes to me because he didn’t speak to me as a lesbian or( woman with same sex attraction) , he spoke to me as a woman of faith who was searching for truth. He wrote about the truth of Eucharist and Trinitarian love.
When I started going back to church, I was greeted by some elderly women. I watched their devotion and faithfulness. Their example made me hungry for what they had. They know I had been away, I’m sure a couple of them know why (small town) but not once did they confront me. They welcomed me, they look for me.Over the past 3 or 4 years, I have grown with them and they with me. Want to do more to reach out? (Absolutely, if it comes up-in word or public action- stand faithful and true to what the church teaches. Otherwise,) live as you would have others live that speaks in greater volumn.
We must stand for the truth and we must defend marriage and we must correct our brothers and sisters in blatantly sinful behavior. But we must also be honest serious sin is serious sin. But in my experience and that of others I know, it seems people are talking out of both sides of their mouths when singling out homosexual activity, but no one says a word when everyone knows the usher is cheating on his wife, or a member of the ladies altar society is always with her “friend”.