I will admit I have been very reluctant to label myself ‘pro life.’ The reason I have been reluctant to label myself pro-life is the negative connotations associated with the term ‘pro life.’ I am not a religious fanatic and have no desire to be labelled one. I am not unsympathetic and devoid of compassion to women who have been raped and subjected to incest and sexual abuse. Evidence confirms there are many women who do not take the decision to terminate a pregnancy lightly, and many women it the most difficult decision they will ever have to make.
This said, I feel sick when I think of terminating a pregnancy. I won’t go into detail as I don’t endorse shock tactics, but I think we are all educated enough by now to know what a termination entails. We no longer live in a society were sex outside marriage was almost perceived as worse than murder - thank God, and we no longer live in a society were there is a stigma attached to being an unmarried mother. Neither should there be, but we cannot say the contemporary norm of the absent father is a good thing. However, no father on the scene is not in itself justification for abortion. Women today can have what they want. They are no longer dependent on men for an income, they can continue in education, have a career. Yes it is more difficult with a child, but by no means impossible and whilst absent fathers are not the conventional ideal, lots of women successfully raise children without a father. A friend of mine was raised without a father and she believes that in the circumstances it was better as had he been around being a bad father, it would have been worse.
What I am saying is the way to protect the unborn is tell women yes they can have an abortion if they choose, but abortion is not their only option and they should not think it is. I was so disturbed by a friend of mine who said, if a girl under 16 and get’s pregnant, what choice does she have other than abortion? Playing devil’s advocate, pro-choice should mean pro-choice in that a woman has the right to choose, but how can she exercise the right to choose if she is being told there is only one choice open to her? Many children come into the world in less than ideal circumstances.
Pro-life is fine by me - good -but if we advocate it we must give women the support they need. I don’t think we do. I think we fail women in that we lack compassion and don’t give them the support they need. That includes me. I don’t absolve myself from this responsibility. Rather than focus on sin, murder of the unborn, guilt and sensationalism, if we want to end abortion lets focus on giving women the support they need so they don’t feel compelled to have an abortion believing they have no other choice. I feel this is missing.
This said, I feel sick when I think of terminating a pregnancy. I won’t go into detail as I don’t endorse shock tactics, but I think we are all educated enough by now to know what a termination entails. We no longer live in a society were sex outside marriage was almost perceived as worse than murder - thank God, and we no longer live in a society were there is a stigma attached to being an unmarried mother. Neither should there be, but we cannot say the contemporary norm of the absent father is a good thing. However, no father on the scene is not in itself justification for abortion. Women today can have what they want. They are no longer dependent on men for an income, they can continue in education, have a career. Yes it is more difficult with a child, but by no means impossible and whilst absent fathers are not the conventional ideal, lots of women successfully raise children without a father. A friend of mine was raised without a father and she believes that in the circumstances it was better as had he been around being a bad father, it would have been worse.
What I am saying is the way to protect the unborn is tell women yes they can have an abortion if they choose, but abortion is not their only option and they should not think it is. I was so disturbed by a friend of mine who said, if a girl under 16 and get’s pregnant, what choice does she have other than abortion? Playing devil’s advocate, pro-choice should mean pro-choice in that a woman has the right to choose, but how can she exercise the right to choose if she is being told there is only one choice open to her? Many children come into the world in less than ideal circumstances.
Pro-life is fine by me - good -but if we advocate it we must give women the support they need. I don’t think we do. I think we fail women in that we lack compassion and don’t give them the support they need. That includes me. I don’t absolve myself from this responsibility. Rather than focus on sin, murder of the unborn, guilt and sensationalism, if we want to end abortion lets focus on giving women the support they need so they don’t feel compelled to have an abortion believing they have no other choice. I feel this is missing.