We need to keep bothering about guns

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How to fight the onslaught of rights violations? How to combat the encroaching tyranny of single-party rule? How to defend oneself and one’s loved ones against violent attack? I have heard zero solutions, let alone suggestions, from the hoplophobes.

I STRONGLY suggest that those interested should read the Catechism, section 2265 and following.
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I STRONGLY suggest that those interested should read the Catechism, section 2265 and followin
And when you read it, note that it says “people who legitimately hold authority…”. It does not say owning a gun must be a right for everybody. So if you are a policeman, soldier, security guard, any legitimate authority, this paragraph of the Catechism applies to you. For everyone else, just Google “USCCB on gun violence.”
Or, in the alternative, read about the establishment of freedom and liberty, and the administration of justice - which has failed us. The two of you have clearly made your choice as to what you think will produce a peaceful society. Really? Where have your ideas both functioned and respected civil rights? Where have they ultimately been effective at all?

I have waited 50+ years to see the evidence of any suppression of civil rights to bear good fruit. Simple solutions are not solutions, but only create additional problems.

I fear that neither of you are taking into account the larger agenda, the larger picture. How are you going to disarm the violent? You cannot - as much as you want to. But to disarm the peaceful? That has sinister undertones, does it not? To render the peaceful defenseless in the face of the violent? The Church teaches against that on principle.

We all abhor violence. I hope that you two realize that. I devoted 31 years of my life to combating it. On the flip side, you cannot combat violence (injustice) by imposing government violence. Once you grant (or surrender) sovereignty to government, who then restrains government violence?

Do we all seek justice? I hope so! Justice respects individual freedom, responsibility and conscience. Simplistic answers such as “there oughta’ be a law” are just that. We have tens of thousands of laws. They don’t work. Now what?

Does anyone here actually think human problems have such a simplistic, pat answer? “Well’ it’s a start” many allege. A start toward what? 1984? The Brave New World? The Great Reset? Apocalypse Now? Where is the peace in any of those examples? Where is Christ?

Change the human heart. Now that is a concept which Christ taught. That is Church teaching. That produces good fruit. In the marketplace of ideas, polemics and hate speech sell faster.
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