We need to talk about the Potato

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Interesting and somewhat amusing post. In thinking about the message I came to one conclusion; “we now know what happened to the brown acid at Woodstock.”
This reminds me of how there’s a segment of the population that vehemently hates oatmeal raisin cookies because they have mistaken them for chocolate chip cookies on a cookie platter. I hear this and think to myself: are these people blind?
Potato pancakes are nasty.

I am not actually a fan of potatoes in general.
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No. We’re just not in the habit of looking closely and examining our sweets before consumption…
Well, I am. If I’m going to splurge, I’m going to properly do it.
I, for one, love oatmeal raisin. And they’re healthy for you, right? Right?
Keep telling yourself that, mVitus.

Also, I like them better than a lot of other common cookies.
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I never realized how much I could miss 'em until I ended up moving to a place where I’m often not allotted enough kitchen time to cook a few up.

BTW , the potato is what sustained one of our very great saints for so many years - kept him around for us.

An excerpt from The Cure of Ars - St. John Vianney ; Fr. Ed Broom, OMV :

He spent long hours in prayer; sometimes
he would spend the whole night in prayer. He added, to this, severe fasting.
Sometimes he would go a day or more without eating. On other occasions he would
boil a pot of potatoes at the start of the week and eat two or three a day—all
done for the love of God and for the salvation of immortal souls.

The breakfast (lunch and/or supper) of champions ? 🥔
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How about McDonald’s “Hash Browns” potato cakes. Now there’s some fine eating!
I love sweet-potato fries. Yum!

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An argument came up in another thread about a historical account of how much potatoes an average Irish worker consumed. Irish Famine Facts, by John Keating, put the figure at 14 pounds per day for men, and 11.2 pounds per day for women.

This seems like a lot, but it is quite plausible for laborers who eat mostly potatoes. In comparison, St. John Vianney’s diet of 2 or 3 potatoes a day is a severe fast.
I have heard the same number as well. But that’s because at that time, that was pretty much all they were eating.

Our food ranking system qualified potatoes as a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid.

UK scientists at the Institute for Food Research have identified blood pressure-lowering compounds called kukoamines in potatoes. Previously only found in Lycium chinense, an exotic herbal plant whose bark is used to make an infusion in Chinese herbal medicine, kukoamines were found in potatoes using a new type of research called metabolomics.

In addition to potatoes, researchers looked at tomatoes since they belong to the same plant family—Solanaceae—as Lycium chinense. Metabolomic assays also detected kukoamine compounds in tomatoes.

Vitamin B6—Building Your Cells
Potatoes are Rich in Vitamin B6—Brain Cell and Nervous System Activity

Potatoes are Rich in Vitamin B6—Cardiovascular Protection

Vitamin B6 plays another critically important role in methylation, a chemical process in which methyl groups are transferred from one molecule to another. Many essential chemical events in the body are made possible by methylation, for example, genes can be switched on and turned off in this way. This is particularly important in cancer prevention since one of the genes that can be switched on and off is the tumor suppressor gene, p53. Another way that methylation helps prevent cancer is by attaching methyl groups to toxic substances to make them less toxic and encourage their elimination from the body.

Methylation is also important to cardiovascular health. Methylation changes a potentially dangerous molecule called homocysteine into other, benign substances.
Go easy on the sour cream - use plain yogurt instead. Limit butter use. Fry potatoes in canola oil.

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Now that this thread is in Moral Theology, I confess, when I was young, my father, brother and I took some potatoes from our garden that had gone bad out into the woods and used them for shotgun practice.

I’m not sure how we got them airborne, but it was really hard to see if we hit them. We had to inspect them for pellets once they hit the ground.

I’m truly sorry. 😩
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