We won’t see our loved ones again in Heaven?

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We are spiritually connected. We will know each other more intimately.
You do believe in the actual physical ressurection though right? Like the one the Creed says?
Of course I believe in the physical resurrection. Nothing I’ve written precludes the physical resurrection. Why ask?
It just occurred to me. Perhaps you think the world to come is more or less the same as this world. After receiving the Beatific Vision, things change.
The truth of the matter here is that no one knows except God. And since God is good, trust him that you will be satisfied if you accept him in your life and make it to heaven after you move on from this world. God will not deprive you of the joys of being with your family in heaven, especially once you realize that in heaven everyone there is your holy family.
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We don’t know if our departed loved ones are in Heaven (we can only hope and pray they are but we don’t know) and we don’t know in advance if we will get to Heaven so the subject is somewhat moot.
Some people have said that we won’t recognize family in Heaven and we won’t be with them. This is the most depressing thing to me.

Is this true? I am so stressed out about this…
Have you been told that you’re going to heaven? It would seem to be in order that you stress about that first.
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Some people have said that we won’t recognize family in Heaven and we won’t be with them. This is the most depressing thing to me.

Is this true? I am so stressed out about this…
In private revelation throughout the centuries, people in Heaven not only continue to have intimate knowledge of Earth, but their understanding and love far surpasses our own.
Yes I don’t “know” but I certainly hold hope that we will be in Heaven as we love God very much and are doing our best.

I’m trying to get out of the mindset that I may burn in hell because that’s something that causes me great anxiety
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It is written, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and in another place, “Perfect love drives out all fear.” It is good that you fear Hell, but as you grow in love of God and neighbor, that fear will give way to perfect love, which is the essence of Heaven, for God is Love.
There have been saints who had visions of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell and they recognized/saw people they knew. And those they saw were souls without physical bodies.
Ok well that’s good thanks for sharing. (Not the part about people being in hell but that they can recognize others)
I believe that in heaven (assuming I make it), I will not only recognize loved ones I knew on earth (assuming they make it), I will also instantly know and recognize relatives I never got to meet on earth, either because they died before I was born or were never spoken of, or other circumstances that prevented me from knowing them in this early realm. There will be no need for formal introductions. I will know them, and they will recognize me.

All things are possible with God.
A pleasant gleaning I had recently… sort of on topic:

Explanation of how we deal with
the knowledge of all of the answers to
what happened in our earthly lifetimes.
All earthly/worldly conflict is based on
personal insecurities, which in turn are
aggravated by temptations of satanic influence,
and a lack of Trust in God.
One of the frequently pondered dilemmas is,
once in Heaven, how does one deal with enemies,
ex-spouses, betrayers, people with whom
we were at odds in our lifetimes.
The answer is that, once in Heaven,
all insecurities have vanished,
and satan has no more influence.
And of course, Trust in God is built into
every heavenly fiber of our new being.
There is no longer any reason
for the existence of conflict.
Forgiveness has been tendered and accepted
in a likeness of God’s Forgiveness,
and has been relegated to the past,
to where sins go, as far as the East is from the West.
We no longer have insecurities nor conflicts
separating us from each other or from the Face of God.
We are able to love each other, and God, perfectly.
That is Heaven.
Frankly, instead of wondering whether we will recognise and meet up with relatives the main joy of Heaven is being in the sight of God. That should be our focus.
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