We won’t see our loved ones again in Heaven?

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I completely agree with you, Montrose.
And I believe that the joy of seeing the Face of God and adoring Him perfectly with all of His Saints and Angels is indeed hopefully the focus of those who think about Heaven.
But, it’s also quite human of us to think of our loved ones, of those we may have difficulty forgiving, and other memorable encounters in our earthly lives.
These thoughts imho, come precisely from our insecurities, and cause worry and possibly anxiety to some.
And satan may attempt to turn these thoughts into questions and doubts to try to draw us away from God, by dwelling on these issues rather than anticipating the “main joy of Heaven”.
Trust in Him in everything we do, and focus on the joy of the Beatic Vision some day, are the answers for keeping satan’s temptations at bay.
Even so, it’s a question we should not shirk from, because it is born from just love of neighbor. We want to go to Heaven, but we also want to make sure our loved ones are there, too. Rightly understood, this question says to our loved ones, “I want to go to Heaven no matter what, but I don’t want to go there without you.”
Yes, these thoughts cross my mind at times too.

But I feel that they are causing doubt, and are questions which I know I will never be able to answer here on earth.

If I catch myself thinking “I don’t want to go to Heaven without my loved ones”, I realize that I’ve lost sight completely of what Heaven (imo) is about - which is the Beatific Vision and finally praising God perfectly with His Saints and Angels.

Therefore I have to gather myself, refocus my thoughts and trust in God to take care of my loved ones, drawing them ever closer to Him, just as He cares and does for me.

Didn’t Padre Pio say “Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry” ? : )
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