Welcome to all who are inquiring!


Well-known member
This forum is intended for those with an interest in Catholicism. Although interest might be from any of numerous perspectives, i.e. historical, cultural, scientific, philosophical or even political perspective, the elements of the faith are probably the most intriguing. Over almost 2,000 years, the faith has grown and understanding has developed. And, in that same amount of time, many bits of misinformation have crept into the discussion. The advent of the internet has not helped in this regard. Here, we hope to explain what is true about the faith and identify what is not true so that an informed decision might be made.
I have gathered "much" information about Sedevacantism and the SsPX but it seems a lot of Catholics don't want to consider that they have some valid points and logic on their side. It is bad when the Church Christ founded does not appear to have a valid pope, but we cannot deny the evidence