Hey I’m in! “economically challenged” is the definition of our lives!
DH and I have been married for almost 9 years with 3 kids. We have struggled our entire marriage to stay afloat. The biggest problem for us is DH’s line of work. He is a very skilled auto mechanic and he works in a car dealership. The problem is he gets paid “flat rate”, which means he only gets paid a certain amount of time on each job he does. He could be at work all day standing around doing nothing when the work is slow and he doesn’t get paid for it. So we never know how much money we’re going to have each week. It all depends on how much work he has. It makes it VERY hard to budget!
So for the past 9 years we have struggled to pay our bills. Our credit was trashed when we first got married because I had to take several months off work when I was pregnant and we weren’t able to pay our credit cards bills and car payment. My car eventually got repoed. We were on a bad credit roller-coaster for years. Not that we intentionally ran up credit, because after our first year of marriage we didn’t have any credit cards. But both of our credit reports were slammed with medical collections, utility bills we couldn’t pay, etc. We completely lost hope of EVER getting out of that mess.
About 3 years ago, DH changed jobs and started making very good money. It was still unpredictable, but he was generally bringing home at least $1k a week. So we started working very hard to get his credit report cleaned up. (I haven’t even started on mine, it is A LOT of work). I worked for over a year and almost had his credit report clean.
At that point, DH got a very tempting job offer out of state. He had a chance to eventually move into his “dream job” and we decided to take the risk and go for it. So we moved to North Carolina. The job ended up not working out. DH butted heads with a new manager they brought in after him. So two months later here we were with DH unemployed. We came back home to Ohio with barely enough $$ from his last paycheck to pay for a moving truck and gas. DH’s friend offered to rent us an apartment he owned for $300 a month and we took him up on it. After being denied unemployment, it took DH 3 months to find a job. And guess what happened…collections started hitting his credit report again after all the work we had done to clean it up. I cannot even describe how frustrating that was!
He ended up getting another job, but it doesn’t pay what he used to make. He did alright last winter, but as soon as May hit, work slowed down and it has been extremely slow all summer. ( I think it has to do with the gas prices and all the employee discount incentives that are offered right now. People aren’t paying to get their cars fixed, they’re trading them in) So here we are again with not enough money to pay our bills. We are now living with my parents who only have a 2 bedroom home. DH and I are sleeping in their Kamper and don’t know where we’ll sleep when it gets cold. We’ll probably end up sleeping on the living room floor.
I have been a stay-at-home mom for most of our marriage. I went to school to be a nurse for a few years but had to take time off after our youngest was born. It was just impossible to study! So, this week I’m going job hunting. I probably won’t make much money, but at least it will be something.
So I feel a lot of hopelessness and frustration now. I’m still fighting to keep DH’s credit report clean and it feels like it’s a battle with Satan! But I’m not about to give up, I can’t!
I have completely left this in God’s hands. It’s pretty bad…I’m praying for someone’s car to break down so DH will have work to do! My mom always says, well why can’t he change fields?

…Why, so he can start back at the bottom again? He’s the BEST in his field now. He’s 2 classes away from being a GM Master World Class Technician. That’s not a title that is easy to get. There are only a handful in the State with that title.
OK, I’m done ranting now. (that IS what this thread is for, isn’t it? LOL!)