"We're not stupid - this is an idol" - Fr. Mitch Pacwa

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Then we have no question anymore.
I trust him!!!
He is a great scholar so he can be trusted.
Then we should supress all nun’s convents because there is things like this

Don’t generalize. There is not quantitative evidence to suggest that there are more heterodox jesuits than orthodox ones. Even then, it shouldn’t be suppressed because the order has a unique charism, like all major orders, combining Ignatian spirituality with their apostolic work. We shouldn’t judge organizations inspired by the Holy Spirit by the opinions of a few members.
The Jesuits are a disgrace to the Ignatian spirituality they claim to follow
It’s interesting because they invented it. Also, a diocesan priest doesn’t usually have the same ministries and back up as a religious priest.
This whole argument about a pagan idol in Catholic celebration makes no sense to me. Should we allow germanic pagan worship in, England druids, or even Cannan Baal worship in Catholic worship, and if it is exceptable doesn’t that make it pointless to be Catholic? Its simple we should not follow pagan idols look to the Old Testament to see where that leads. There is one God in Three Persons, He should be adored and pagan idols are just demonic.
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I understand that Catholic and Orthodox traditions are friendlier to images in places of worship than Protestants are, based on different interpretations of the Ten Commandments, but I still can’t believe this discussion is even happening. A pagan nature goddess’s statue is carried into the Vatican grounds and given respect by clergy? How is this anything but blatant idolatry?
They are a toxic, heterodox, heretical organization
Stop generalizing. The same can be said about any other organization within the Church.
No, I will not stop generalizing, not about the Jesuits. Not until they as an organization publicly correct their errant members.
No order of the Catholic church is immune to criticism. While I do not believe in dissolving the Jesuits, there is no doubt many of their Order have fallen from grace.
In all fairness the head of the Jesuits stated that Satan doesn’t exist. The devil “exists as the personification of evil in different structures, but not in persons, because is not a person, is a way of acting evil. He is not a person like a human person. It is a way of evil to be present in human life,” Sosa said.
Which looks like he is heading himself down the path of Gnosticism. Which is a heresey that in part believes the physical being is evil and god created it evil. Popes and priest are not infallible in everything they do. Popes are only infallible when they do something from the “seat of peter” (which isn’t done a lot). So when Popes in the past had a child, it didn’t become right because they were pope.

Quote about Jesuit leader statement is from, https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/exorcists-to-jesuit-head-satan-is-real-45628
I already knew that. I was saying that we should not treat all the Jesuits the same just because someone, even the Superior General, says a heresy. By the same logic, we should have suppressed the Papacy when a past pope illicitly had a child.
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In seems that @porthos11 might be getting mad at the jesuits, is because it always seems that when a priest is saying something against the faith it is a jesuit saying it (and yes the news making the connection is part of the problem). I wouldn’t flag a comment he makes because he hasn’t done anything wrong (maybe should word it better - sure) but hasn’t violated any freespeech concern, mainly hasn’t threathened anyone.
When he calls the organization toxic, heterodox and heretical, I assume he is talking about the priests within thhe organization, as it is compromised primarily by priests.

And there is a rule about not promoting animosity towards the clergy.

My posts have been deleted for less.
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By the same logic, we should have suppressed the Papacy when a past pope illicitly had a child.
I don’t agree with permanently dissolving the Jesuits, but your statement here does not logically follow from @porthos11’s arguing to suppress them. The papacy is of divine origin while religious orders are of human origin. You can no sooner get rid of the papacy than you could abolish a sacrament.

Humans founded religious orders and humans can dissolve them. Indeed, every religious order is allowed to exist only by papal approval. What a pope gives another pope can take away.
And as well, I wouldn’t advocate for the dissolution of the Jesuits because the Jesuit superior fathered a child. If the Jesuits condemned and deposed him and affirmed the Catholic teaching on sexuality, it’s all good.
I thought about that. But aren’t religious orders inspired by the Holy Spirit? If the papacy can bind and loose can’t it loose itself?
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