I was hoping to invite talks from those who were screened, and it was frowned on. I could just as well asked holocaust victims to tell their ‘uncomfortable’ story as well. In everyone minds they are still guilty and the trial continues, and there is no room for the New Man, let’s face it.
But I have one suggestion on what we can do. I would suggest the screening go back to detailed/selective, not general, screening it started out to be (2008-10, Dallas Essential Norms era), which were more in conscience with the Church. In that policy children were protected, no argument, and seriously who can. But the hierarchies of threat dissipated eventually, until the general ruling had every category equivalent to a “child abuse” seriousness. It came to the point one parish priest told his parishioner that a non sex related misdemeanor constituted a threat to children. Now we can see the slow absorption taking place. This is what I think Christ had not intended. We discovered we have no opposition to extend our limited privilege to encompass everyone. Lawnkeepers a high category threat, c’mon? Gravedigger a high priority threat,c’mon? and I can show you dioceses where the category is only one.
But fair enough. Then I place it in your hands. You tell me. Tell me who is left after all those who are screened? Tell me how one who is being pressed into service by the sheer Spiritual nature of being an appendage of that Mystical Body is to fill his Divine mandate.?
You mentioned in your list of categories of 2 people who fit the list and I know are dearly loved in the community, one being an elderly priest. I love that man too. He has issues too with me, but nothing about his past I care to divulge and I could choose do a lot of damage. I could use the current screening template to report him, but I never will. Gone,buried.
Our community is getting shorter already.
And what of the other of his personal habits. Maybe I should report his never being charged decades ago in drinking and driving when my town was another ‘Mayberry’ in spirit, and a cell was always waiting for him should he desire a place to sleep. No charges laid there for a future criminal record. I could report that too. The audacity that he should try to hide from the long arm of the Church.
Our community is getting shorter again.
No I just don’t get it. Protect the kids, and I have 3 grandkids underage. I see the reactions reminisce in something I read in the collective roar of the crowd when the guillotines fell. The eyes filled with rage. The hangings under oak trees I heard some it there too. Nothing remotely tolerant I could recognize in those moments.
I know the rest can, but if one of my kids gets rejected because of a record, I’m sorry, I can’t do it, I would need to give him a second chance. Personally I don’t know how you people claim you could do otherwise. The world has given you it’s intolerable record system.
Welcome to the world, but no claimants, swallow it, even the worms with the delectable morsels of scandal.