While St. Thomas says that man turns to God by his own free will, he explains that free-will can only be turn to God, when God turns it.
John 6:44; No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.
There is a supernatural intervention of God in the faculties of the soul, which precedes the free act of the will. ( De fide. )
Respectfully very confused with theses statements on Free Will, seems to speak differently then what is written in the Epistle or Letter of James do they not?
Return to Me? Requesting, asking…gives Free Will to choose, forces not?
Renew make ourselves whole within etc?
Seems like we have been given that power within us to do so…not going to do it for us …work to do within us?
Even Jesus at that the last supper…tells us…I have accomplished all that you have given onto to me…was out laboring also in the field…teaching and giving us his living Word? …was tested by his own free will given also?
What is Free Will?
Why did our Heavenly Father give us Free will?
Why did our Heavenly Father give us the Ten Commandments, send his prophets messengers throughout history…was it not to give us knowledge, give understanding to…to give his creation… Life instructions, his teachings …to know… spiritually and morally right from wrong?
Not knowing …right from wrong, good from evil…we would not be held accountable, but left ignorant?
Jesus?>>> as written tells us I do not want to leave your ignorant, right?
Opinion only…Free will gives us the right to choose, to question, to examine, but free will holds us accountable, responsible for the choices we choose and how our free will choices, effects the very lives and freedoms of others also?
Our Heavenly Father does he not have Free Will also?
Written…I give mercy to whom I give mercy…I choose whom I will? John 6:44
Written…Not everyone who calls me Lord Lord? I choose whom I will… John 6:44
Written…Our heavenly Father does he not seek out… hearts, souls and minds?
Written…Our creator shares with us all …all that is his…allows us freedom to experience …free will also, does he not?
If our Creator in all his infinite wisdom, glory… did not give us all the gift of…free will… then our choices whether they be right or wrong…our Creator, our Heavenly Father… would be held fully accountable and held responsible for our choices, would he not? Without the gift of his free will, we would not be held accountable right?
What is free will?..The gift of freedom, free will, to choose… but first to know…for our Heavenly Father left us not ignorant…Live by his Word…etc?
Written is it not? What is Love if one is forced to love, I do not accept such Love, for even evil loves their own, right?