Please understand that when Fr Peter Junipero refers to us doing a better job living our faith within our own family, he means the Natural Family, mother and father married for life, bearing and raising children. He does not refer to Suzy and Bob who are co-habitating or Bill and Joe who claim to be “married.” His point is that had we lived as God intended and not helped tear down Natural Marriage, we might not be facing the complete destruction of the term.I don’t think you are. Fr Junipero is taking the focus off the symptoms of the problem and asking what are we doing wrong. His answer is “Family”. I would go further and say there is also a lack of community and too much individualism.
That may be true for you personally but it is absolutely NOT TRUE with respect to what I call the gay agenda. For example our state originally enacted a Constitutional Amendment to limit marriage to one man and one woman. In order to give same sex couples the IDENTICAL legal rights, our legislature enacted a very detailed “Domestic Partner” statute that provided IDENTICAL legal rights and obligations.Well here is an obvious one, homosexuals cannot be married by the state in some countries. And therefore cannot experience the same legal benefits that heterosexuals have because of state marriage. Emphasis on legal benefits because thats all gay marriage is about.
That wasn’t enough. The gay activists demanded it be called “marriage.” Thus our AG decided that he would simply ignore the Constitution of our state and deem same sex couples as “married.”
This is mirrored in many other states. The language providing for equal rights and responsibilities and status is not sufficient. The gay activist cohort wants to normalize homosexuality and call it what it is not. As Fr said the idea that two of the same sex can contract a marriage is preposterous. They can have a loving devoted relationship and certainly they engage in sexual practices. But their relationship cannot be called a marriage and retain any actual meaning of the word. It just becomes what the parties want it to be.
But this gets back to society and the state’s interest in marriage. The state has ZERO interest in your romantic attachments or your sex life. The state has an interest in marriage because for millenia it has been about protecting the children that naturally and usually result therefrom. Further in the past when women were not self supporting, the state’s interest was in having physical and financial protection for the wife.The term is necessarily relative unless you live in a theocracy. State marriage involves more than simply reproductive organs and is subject to change as society changes.
Gay activists want this term used because they want the illusion their relationship is equivalent and that the state has an equally valid interest in their sex life. It does not. Homosexual relations cannot result in the birth of a child. Thus, no state interest.
The destruction of religious liberties is in demanding that service providers and property owners participate in a sexual relationship their faith does not support. Further if you do not think the gay activists are going to demand the Church and other religious organizations “marry” them in the future, you are kidding yourself. This is already occurring in Europe and currently other charitable organizations have been sued demanding accommodation for homosexuals.How are they destroying religious liberties? Is the Catholic church being forced to marry gay people? I don’t think so. Perhaps you are just offended by any legal system that does not adhere to Catholic moral beliefs about human sexuality and otherwise. The problem is, a catholic legal system will never prevail in anything but a Catholic theocracy where everybody is Catholic.
As to my being ‘offended’ by a legal system that does not adhere to Catholic moral beliefs, how absurd. I do not expect non-Catholics to follow the precepts of the Church. I don’t expect you to come to Mass, fast on certain Holy Days, or engage in other Catholic practices. You mistake religious practice for religious freedom. The former is up to you. The latter is enshrined in our Constitution and I expect it to be upheld.