For some people SSA is their gay identity; regardless of what i think of it. Black people ain’t black, they are various shades of brown, but they took on the black identity.Homosexuality refers to a sexual practice. It is transitory, changeable, and circumstantial. For a specific criteria to be considered protected it must be immutable, permanent and unchangeable. Homosexuality is none of these. As you said, people “take on” the gay identity. That’s like my taking on the “Catholic” identity. I was not born Catholic, I chose to be Catholic. I could also choose not to be Catholic. The object of your sexual desire is not inherent.
This is true. And as the number of gay people in each state rises, the more that gay people demand the right to same sex marriage, the more chances of that state using its right to legalize same sex marriage.The state does have the right to decide which parties are eligible to enter specific contracts.