Greetings Reuben…I hope this day finds you in good health and happiness.
I don’t just want a “different take” on their relationship. I wish to know definitively what Jesus is telling us by how he interacted with Mary. I don’t believe this relationship should be left up to the relativistic opinions of different individuals and I believe we can get to some solid conclusions by studying the context in which the records place the whole relationship between them.
The fact that the miracle at Cana was performed anyway I suspect involves way bigger issues than just Mary’s request. Lets investigate what we’re told - there are at least 4 different informative messages we can glean from the relevant verses -To emphasize any one of them at the expense of deemphasizing any of the others would be a travesty in my opinion.
So Mary was at this wedding, she must have been some sort of attendant or else the wine wouldn’t have been of her concern, and Jesus and his disciples were also invited. So we know Mary did not bring Jesus to the wedding nor herself invite him to come along. Jesus and his disciples were invited separately, the scripture separates the two invitations between Mary being at the wedding and Jesus and his disciples also being invited. They could of course have went to the wedding together as a group though.
Here is what we are taught took place at the wedding…
I don’t just want a “different take” on their relationship. I wish to know definitively what Jesus is telling us by how he interacted with Mary. I don’t believe this relationship should be left up to the relativistic opinions of different individuals and I believe we can get to some solid conclusions by studying the context in which the records place the whole relationship between them.
The fact that the miracle at Cana was performed anyway I suspect involves way bigger issues than just Mary’s request. Lets investigate what we’re told - there are at least 4 different informative messages we can glean from the relevant verses -To emphasize any one of them at the expense of deemphasizing any of the others would be a travesty in my opinion.
So Mary was at this wedding, she must have been some sort of attendant or else the wine wouldn’t have been of her concern, and Jesus and his disciples were also invited. So we know Mary did not bring Jesus to the wedding nor herself invite him to come along. Jesus and his disciples were invited separately, the scripture separates the two invitations between Mary being at the wedding and Jesus and his disciples also being invited. They could of course have went to the wedding together as a group though.
Here is what we are taught took place at the wedding…
- The wine ran out and Mary probably being an attendant at the wedding sought to enlist the help of her son to procure more wine. Nothing so far indicates that Mary would have thought her son would create a miracle to get it. So far this is a natural setting and a natural request from Mother to son though verse 3 isn’t actually a request but a statement.
2 Jesus’s reply tells us a couple of things, a) the context of the statement indicates annoyance with her request, he doesn’t immediately hop to but questions Mary b) Mary is ignorant of her sons mission or doesn’t take it into consideration, she doesn’t respond to his answer at all, or if she did it was not deemed important enough to record, she seems to be only concerned with procuring wine for the wedding. - Mary tells the servants to do what he tells them either presuming Jesus will act on her request or wanting the servants to simply be prepared in case he does, since we have no other recorded interaction between her and her son from when she made her request to when she talked to the servants we cannot know exactly what she was thinking.
- Jesus creates a miracle, verified by the master of the banquet with a taste test though the verse makes sure to state he wasn’t aware a miracle had taken place - verse 9 and 10 tells us Jesus was able to preserve his “proper time” still despite his Mothers request.
- The last important message we are given…verse 11 sums up the probable reason for Jesus acquiescing to Mary’s request, it was so that his disciples would be encouraged and believe in him.