You seem to be looking for something that isn’t there.
Its a quest now, to see if there has been any definitive document concerning this. The Vatican is pretty good at documents.
Why would you expect canon law to make provision for canonizing people who are already saints?
That is not what my quest is about. My question is different from that of the OP
It has nothing to do with Canon Law.
The Church has not, and there is no need to issue an official declaration about those saints prior to the formal canonization process which began in the year 993 AD.
There is no controversy and it is not a doctrinal matter.
What about people who have not been honored as saints, could they be formally canonized , those who lived prior to 993 AD
My goodness, why are people reading controversy into this where there is none.
Again, read and understand my question as it is different from that of the OP’s.
I did not state it well initially, but I did define it here
Is there legally (Canon law) a date/time period in history
before which, a person cannot be formerly canonized. As of the time of posting this, it has not been answered in any link posted. I do appreciate all the links being posted
Respectfully, I have posted to you an article and a section of the Catechism and a Wikipedia article list of the feast days of OT saints showing they are already on the liturgical calendar, all describing that canonization is unnecessary.
I acknowledged the cc you posted as to honouring saints. I feel other links are opinions and dont answer my question.
You’re simply rejecting good, well-supported answers, for no good reason. Therefore, I will not be responding to you further, because it’s a waste of effort at this point. Good day.
Have a great day Tisbearself
My question has not been answered.
Its not about
Exactly…I can’t figure this out either. Unless it’s that both words contain the term “Canon” or something.
The ‘or something’ is closer to it, given the canon in canon law, is different to the canon in canonization.
Here is my question,
Is there a definitive date before which a formal canonization cannot be had, in the Church.
Could a person who lived before the introduction of the formal process , be formally canonised, if so, how far back into history?