What are we going to do about the radical atheist left?

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They have infested our culture, our judiciary, our government, our Church with perversion of truth. They demanded abortion and got it. They demanded same-sex unions and got it. They demand gender fluidity and got it. They demanded drug legalization and got it. They established the right to riot and loot and murder. They demanded the abolishing of the police and may yet get it. They demanded the emptying of mental institution and prisons.

What sort of mental illness is this?
Demanding equal rights for black people, justice for the disenfranchised indigenous people, equal rights for women in education and the workforce, legal protections for women and children caught in domestic violence, affordable health care for everyone, protection of the environment.

The insular idea that liberal is all bad and conservative is all good, is what is demented.
@po18guy never said anything about (mainstream) liberalism, colorism, racism, anti-Indigenous discrimination, sexism, VAWA and other DV protections, healthcare or environmental/climate conservation.

You literally added all of that to the post out of thin air.
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Thank you MarysLurker. You exactly make the point. As Catholics, we should be mainstream Catholic. Anyway, liberal and conservative are political terms, inapplicable to faith. But some still do…

As to the new breed of atheists, they are radical, they are empowered and they hate the truth. They have fashioned their own reality - but do we see them filled with joy, even in their own world? I do not. So many are activists and activists of all stripes tend to be unsettled, somewhat on edge, rarely at peace.

As Catholics, we may be allied with political conservatives on some matters, with liberals on others, as the faith is apolitical. Yet, worldly power dwells in the political realm and it is so very enticing. When I was received into the Church, I granted assent to all of her teachings. I struggled with some of them, as we all do with revealed truth. I abandoned many core beliefs of my former self - back when I was distinctly political and distinctly unhappy.

To know that God is in charge and that He loves us unreservedly, is the greatest peace that a created being may possess in this life.
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The progressive left, atheist or not, is a clear and present danger. Their ideology has demanded the tolerance, even acceptance, of every manner of sin. They endorse perversity and by definition oppose God’s divine will. Implicated in all of this is the subjection of the faithful to pagan human domination. How does this not oppose God’s will - His gift of freedom to mankind?

Their latest perversion is worship of the green idol. Governments sprinkled around the world are taking radical, unproven, ideological and poorly thought out action to reduce what they define as harmful practices. This is now endangering our ability to produce food. Look at the Dutch protests, for but one example.

Their goal is population control - always has been. This goes way back to ZPG (Zero Population Growth) and many other radical organizations. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) devotes itself to this via mandatory abortion and arbitrary application of the death penalty. Note that not a single one of these radical zealots has offered to fall on their own sword. Hypocrites. What did our Lord have to say about hypocrites?
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