Irishmom2, my post was quasi-sarcastic. Sorry about that.You may speak for yourself, but please do not throw everyone else under the bus.
“Do more to stop racism!” sounds like a meaningless bumper sticker.
What exactly do you suggest “we” should do?
I personally think that most white people, at least in our city, are trying their very darndest to treat people, ALL people, with kindness and respect, and not hold any prejudices or pre-conceived beliefs about specific races, nationalities, colors, sexualities, religions, political affiliations, etc.
I think that’s one of the main reasons why these protests are falling flat with many white people, who are remaining silent and are not showing up at local marches, rallies, and equality events.
We THOUGHT we were doing a good job. But apparently, at least according to BLM, we are NOT doing a good job, we are perpetuating “systemic racism.”
Have you ever been around a little child who is doing a chore or trying to complete an art project, and he’s having so much fun and thinking that he’s doing well (and he IS for his age and skill level!). But then some mean party-pooper grownup comes along and says, “Oh, that’s all wrong. That’s really not good at all. Let’s tear that up and start all over again.”
You know what happens–the child crumples and start crying and usually refuses to work on the project anymore. In fact, if this happens often, the child will give up and never be willing to try anything new. The pain of the rejection of his/her efforts is simply unbearable.
That’s how Peeps feels right now. I am utterly devastated and upset that all these years, I haven’t been “doing it right” when it comes to my relationships and interactions with African Americans. I am a racist–all that stuff I’ve thought was so loving and open-minded is just chicken doo doo.
And frankly, I’ve thrown in the towel and don’t intend to try anymore. I will continue to be kind as I understand kindness, and generous, charitable, willing to volunteer when needed, respectful of others, etc. And if it’s racist…well, show me how and why. Don’t just yank my little efforts away and rip them up and tell me I’m doing it all wrong and leave me trying to guess what exactly I did, said, looked, walked, etc. that was so offensive.
I think many many white people share my feelings and are switching off anything they see or hear from BLM. And that’s why the events need to come to US, in our neighborhoods, and they need to reach out to people like me who have shut them out at this point because I thought I was doing it right.
One more thing, though–when they come to MY neighborhood, where I have lived for over 30 years, they will see a sizeable number of black people, along with Latinos, Middle Easterners, and Asians, coming out of their houses, possibly more people of color than people who are white like me. Is that what racism looks like?–living in a diverse neighborhood?
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