Well, it’s Lent, so I had been enjoying my new routine of using the Lenten book given at church for reading in the morning. How wonderful it is full of the readings and prayers of the daily Mass!!! I had decided to turn off the TV at 8 pm and give the evening to Jesus instead of watching The Classic Movie Channel… At first I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to find enough reading to keep me busy but the Lord and outdone himself – again!!! I’m reading Sirach from the Old Testament because I think I heard it was referred to as “the Law and the Prophets” and didn’t Jesus quote things from there? Anyway, it’s very interesting advice for daily living… also, I’m reading St. Teresa of Avila for the third time (first two times were way over MY head!) and reading Divine Intimacy–daily readings starting with Ash Wednesday… so you can see my evening is completely taken up intermingled with my daily rosary… Who has time for movies??? LOL! Who WANTS time for movies?