What are you doing to get through the "social distancing" due to COVID-19?

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Well, it’s Lent, so I had been enjoying my new routine of using the Lenten book given at church for reading in the morning. How wonderful it is full of the readings and prayers of the daily Mass!!! I had decided to turn off the TV at 8 pm and give the evening to Jesus instead of watching The Classic Movie Channel… At first I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to find enough reading to keep me busy but the Lord and outdone himself – again!!! I’m reading Sirach from the Old Testament because I think I heard it was referred to as “the Law and the Prophets” and didn’t Jesus quote things from there? Anyway, it’s very interesting advice for daily living… also, I’m reading St. Teresa of Avila for the third time (first two times were way over MY head!) and reading Divine Intimacy–daily readings starting with Ash Wednesday… so you can see my evening is completely taken up intermingled with my daily rosary… Who has time for movies??? LOL! Who WANTS time for movies?
@childinthefaith. I enjoyed your discussion especially about the bourbon, a topic that I know nothing about! My father used to enjoy a snifter glass of B&B after a meal. He would warm it up in between his hands to appreciate the arouma. He’s allowed me to sniff but not to sip. Prayers for your family at this trying time.
A local wildlife center called the World Bird Sanctuary is planning a drive-thu zoo for next weekend. They are going to have animal handlers every so many feet and cars can pull up and see the animals through their windows. People can be so awesome! Also, our local brewery has turned on their Christmas light display so people can enjoy it.
Glad to hear you enjoyed. Since you “know nothing about” it, here’s some data:
Bourbon is:
  • “Mash Bill” = 51% or more corn for the grain (corn and wheat is used)
  • Aged inside charred white oak barrels, from which it gets a lot of its flavor
  • Was allegedly started by a Baptist minister named “Elijah Craig.” That is also a current brand of bourbon made by I think Buffalo Trace Distillery…it’s not high proof and is smooth.
  • MOST bourbon, and IMO the best ones, come from Kentucky, although that isn’t a requirement to be called “bourbon,” unless you’re a brarhopper like me…
    *During Prohibition, was legally made and warehoused for medicinal use.
    *The % of alcohol from into the barrel, outta the barrel, and into the bottle, is regulated. I do not recall the numbers…
There’s my little trivia list on bourbon 🙂

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Thanks @childinthefaith, I like learning new things. A Baptist minister?!! My Baptist friends may be shocked to hear that. I definitely have to look up more information on the Reverend Craig. It may prove to be interesting. My son likes Maker’s Mark which is a bourbon. Only reason I know that is because I bought him a small bottle as a stocking stuffer one Christmas.
I have been e-mailing my brother (who is currently locked down in California), and my sister in Indiana. I’ve been calling my cousins on the phone and e-mailing those who have e-mail accounts. No texting – a land line is plenty capable to transmitting communications between one party and another. My loved ones have been in touch with me, and I with them. That’s the best we can do, and it’s still quite satisfying.
@RN69 Makers Mark is indeed a good one. If I come across data on Rev Craig, I’ll be sure to link to it 🙂

I got curious about the story, and it is just a short trip to their distillery’s page:
Elijah Craig History from the Distillers

While locked in or whatever for this virus thing, it would be a great time for anyone who enjoys bourbon to educate themselves about its history and the process of making it. Plenty of info with a google search.
Also, no shortage of bourbons out there to sample. Find your fav at your own peril!
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Got news for you – God already knows your plans, whether you tell him or not.

Do you like to put together jigsaw puzzles?
An update if i may, with “Mothers Mag & Aluminum Polish,” the firearms I have that are made of stainless will soon get a polish. I’ve not tried this polishing business before, so it will be a time killer with a learning component - yaaaay, good combo when staying indoors mostly. Plus, anyone who appreciates a good grade SS pistol will realize that they will inevitably dull a little over some years. I like my hardware shiny as possible, just because. Already uptight about clean and properly lubricated, so shiny is a bonus a silly gun guy like myself will appreciate. If they are blued, polishing isn’t necessary.
Also, because of the somewhat remote location, I may dang well go to my mother’s property and do some actual shooting. The indoor range near my house, I’m not sure if they’re open or not with this, but I don’t wanna be around them. Besides, you can’t shoot soda cans at an indoor range…be a good time to practice crossbow a bit as well since my beloved bought me one for my 50th last year :))) Only 8 mos til whitetail season again.
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@JanR Yes! And that is what makes that ironic and amusing. We plan; God laughs because He is in charge of all. My husband and I did enjoy putting together jigsaw puzzles with our kids. He made a simple wooden puzzle board for us to work on large puzzles and then set it a side for another day until completed. It was just plywood that he had cut, rounded corners and painted with shellac. I enjoy doing puzzles with grandchildren when I visit because of the interaction involved. More goes on between the generations then just putting together a puzzle! For solo entertainment I enjoy a game or two of Klondike but I do a lot of on line researching on a variety of topics. Also I’m reaching out more than before to family and friends. I don’t feel lonely in my aloneness and have stayed positive in spite of everything.
I’m one of the parish staff working to make the similar things here happen.
@childinthefaith Thanks for the link. I liked the trip to Heaven Hill Distillery learning about the Reverend Craig’s bourbon. When we all get to break out of our confinement, I’ll have to bring some of it to my son to celebrate. Looking at the prices, it will have to be a small bottle. 😯
@childinthefaith Didn’t know about Mothers Mag & Aluminum Polish (of course looked it up) but I can almost smell the Hoppe’s bore cleaner. Olfactory memories from my childhood and my married life. Many a “date” was spent with my husband before and after marriage at a dirt or clay bank shooting tin cans. Then afterwards he cleaned the guns before putting them away. We also did target practice with recurve bows. He hunted with recurve bow and also fletched his own arrows. Made himself a jig to pin stripe them too. Man of many talents and miss him. He taught me to do many outdoorsy things never imagined I would.
Hoppe’s solvent is yet another reason we have one of our bedrooms dedicated to my “hardware”…I keep the window in it open regardless of the season when using that stuff.

Unrelated to Hoppe’s, related to bourbon:
Knob Creek “smoked maple” is quite yummy. It’s the flavor of the night. My wife still staying in the next city over with her dying mom, so I’m sampling bourbon to take the edge off the nerves…
Was over there about 4 hours ago. It’s awful. Her mother looks like a corpse in the bed who just happens to have a pulse and who is occasionally able to speak a word or two. Hospice is now in control of things, but I doubt they’ll be needed long. God have mercy on them all.
@childinthefaith I’ll be praying Divine Mercy Chaplet for your mother in law. Prayers also for your wife to have God’s strength and solace at this difficult time. It’s never easy to loose a parent no matter what age they or you are. May God grant to you the wisdom and selfless charity it takes to comfort one who grieves. From my personal experience it often is enough to just be there and listen. My own mother died at age 94 years in my home just 4 years after my husband passed. She did have Hospice for end stage CHF but in her final hours my daughter and I were the only ones present. We laid down close to her one of us on each side and prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Previously as she was gradually declining, I had asked God to give her the comfort of being escorted to heaven by angels. She passed on the Feast of the Archangels. I believe that God answered my prayer which provided me with that comfort I sought for her. Since then I have regularly prayed the Chaplet of St. Michael as a special devotion to all the choirs of angels. May the peace of Christ be with you.
Thank you so very much @RN69 !

Perhaps I’m the atypical son-in-law, but I love that woman dearly. So many times in private she told me I was like the son she never had (she has 3 girls, two of whom are twins, my wife one of the twins & was a surprise twin at that.) In giving birth to my wife, she blessed me tremendously so I’ve always had that in the back of my mind to be grateful to God for her & her late husband giving me such a wonderful wife.

I’ve been around death a lot. I know that most times when someone needs comforted, it’s with very few words, and little actions of caring. I’ll do my best to help get my wife through this. Of all people, I know how to comfort her when needed…and she herself is like my breath, so I can not overstate how important she is to me…I’ll do my best and am encouraged by what you’ve posted here 🙂

At any rate, thank you for sharing your story, and for the prayer! I appreciate that kindness.
We only need to practice physical separation/distancing and find new, interesting, fun & original ways to strengthen & reinforce our social connections
Our “Twister” parties have certainly lost their magic, that’s for sure.
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