What are you thoughts?

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now all we need is a web master and web site to start the process. Start praying :gopray2:
I have a bunch of web development experience. I could volunteer if you want volunteers. (actual consultants might charge $100 an hour for this kind of work)

Just a note on webpages -

If you want a webpage, what exactly is going to be on it? Will things be updated frequently? If so, you need some sort of CMS (Content Management System - that’s what I use at work). It makes things a lot easier. What are the main sections? Sub sections? What do you expect the server bandwidth usage to be? (Lots of images and users to the site? You’ll need high bandwidth) What is the server platform? Windows? You’ll probably need SQL Server for the forum and CMS ($20,000!!!), and ASP.NET ($2,000 for the Enterprise edition, which would be needed for a Windows based CMS - Windows is expensive). Unix/Linux? You’ll probably just need MySQL and PHP. What kind of forum? vBulletin, or a “home made” (made with ASP.NET or php) one?
I host a website through hostmonster.com for my competition team. They have a forum and a lot of stuff and space. I would appreciate all your thoughts, if you have an e-mail or even better an instant messaging service we could converse back and forth much quicker. If you would like you could PM me your info so I can ask a lot more questions. It is funny that as soon as I got dont praying the rosary i came back and this post was up, volunteers are always appreciated.
I host a website through hostmonster.com for my competition team. They have a forum and a lot of stuff and space. I would appreciate all your thoughts, if you have an e-mail or even better an instant messaging service we could converse back and forth much quicker. If you would like you could PM me your info so I can ask a lot more questions. It is funny that as soon as I got dont praying the rosary i came back and this post was up, volunteers are always appreciated.
All of my info is available via my profile. 🙂
Some notes for making a website - (or what I would do)

You’ve already got an idea, good. Now you should see if you have the resources to do it. What’s needed?
  • Server. What kind? How much traffic are you expecting? You might need a server that has room to grow. If you intend it to be large, then it’ll need security to circumvent hackers (this can cost up to $100,000+ with servers, software licenses, etc.). Domain names should be one of the last things you think about - you can buy a domain name later. (just make sure it doesn’t conflict with an actual company name or something)
  • Software. You have two options. 1 - Go with Windows. Unfortunately, Windows products are expensive. 2 - Go with Linux. Linux based software is typically open source, and might also work on Windows (MySQL, Apache, php). There are also open source CMS systems (which I recommend over making a site from scratch).
  • People. A webmaster is one thing. Programmers, web developers, network technicians are another. “I need a webmaster” is fine for highschool projects, but not sites that intend to be something major. If your server is “offsite” (i.e., in some building halfway across the continent), you had better hope they have a good network security staff that’s available 24/7 (personally, I don’t know of any offhand). An alternative is renting some building space and having your staff there, but that may be more expensive. You’re also going to need programmers that know how the systems work (CMS, forum software, FTP, etc.). You’ll need “Web Authors” (sort of like webmasters) that add content to your webpage (CMS most likely). If you’re going to have a forum, you’ll need forum staff, too.
Then, and only then can you move on to the next part. Analysis. 🙂

Now you can brainstorm and decide what you really want on the webpage. What are your main links? What content do you want?

Here’s a typical webpage layout —

Header - This has your logo, and maybe a search bar and/or login prompt

Sub-header - This might have major links, or a menubar. (If it’s a drop down, then it must have some way of showing the full menu when you click on the root link - it’s an accessibility requirement. I have to follow that at work.)

First column - Usually major sections of the page, or any other links you want to make note of. This is typically on the homepage. Other pages might use it as a navigational menu, but that’s optional.

Second column - This is where your content is on all pages.

Third column - Optional, but usually has “quick links” (frequently visited links on your page), or links to external sites.

Footer - Usually copyright info. Don’t put links down here - users usually don’t scroll down that far.
hostmonster.com has good support, i have called all hours of the day with questions, the know me quite well now while i was learning to build a website 😃

We can start off small, if God chooses to bring this site to where its walls cannot contain it and there isn’t enough space He will provide for more. He has before with things much bigger. This can start small, so the hard part is making it have whats needed.
List of Orders
Questions and Answers

What else are those who are teenagers to young adults looking for? I know I was looking more for talking with peers and questions and answers.

So since starting small might be the current idea since $ is a current issue… what should it be called?

If it gets bigger and resources are provided then the staff and the servers will be put together. Hopefully God will provide for people to take over, I have no idea why He would use me for this.

Names, and what else do you want on this site?
I host a website through hostmonster.com for my competition team. They have a forum and a lot of stuff and space. I would appreciate all your thoughts, if you have an e-mail or even better an instant messaging service we could converse back and forth much quicker. If you would like you could PM me your info so I can ask a lot more questions. It is funny that as soon as I got dont praying the rosary i came back and this post was up, volunteers are always appreciated.
I would probably ask them about their harddrive setup. Is it a RAID system? Do they back it up? How often? What other sites do they host? If those sites are popular, then you will be competing for bandwidth along with them. What’s their bandwidth and protection like (not the 2 gb/month transfer rate)? (i.e., T3 line, T1 line, router, firewall, etc.). I decided to ping the server, and it came back on average, 84ms. That’s slightly slower than average (normal would be 45ms - really good ones are 13ms which are your search engines, which need to be that fast).

Of course, I’d probably start off slow at first (seems like a pretty decent server - what do they do if you exceed the bandwidth? I know some servers will shut your site down if it does - without warning). You can email me from my profile, too, if you want.
If you exceed bandwidth I believe they send you a warning or call. I have never had it happened but there are options to purchase more once you have an account with them.
Are you using a CMS? I noticed Mambo CMS - I tried that one once, and it was pretty interesting. I think you can edit the templates to put a side navigation menu, which I think would be helpful as the site gets bigger.
List of Orders
Questions and Answers
I’d also include - “About Us”, and maybe one or two more main links to fill things about. I would change “List of Orders” to something more generic like “Holy Orders”.

These can be drop down menus, and

“Holy Orders Main Page”
“What is an Order?” | “How do I become a priest?” | “How do I become a Nun?” | “List of Orders”

(These would be menu options on the side nav-menu, too).

Each one would be a seperate page describing the process.

“List of Orders” would be on an alphabetized glossary template (don’t know if Mambo CMS has one) by diocese (I would guess).

Questions & Answers would have a similar glossary template.

Articles, too, could have some sort of News template by month/year. Now, this is just the sub header (assuming the header just has a placeholder for now).

What else do you want on the homepage? The homepage should be a generalized page that highlights key information in your site, or even news on the front page (which is another common method).
Father Leo helped come up with a name and we purchased it so we are waiting for it to be set but I will keep everyone updated

The URL will be Youth-Discernment.com
I am going to call CAF on this week and will be contacting orders and Catholic schools to get more information and support and get the word out. Thank you to everyone for your (name removed by moderator)ut and information.

Please if you have a moment or two just say a prayer that God will use this to help those who are going through the process of discernment! Thank you all!
Jennifer I am gonna e-mail you information and ideas for your critique please.
I have a book, called “Could You Ever Become a Catholic Priest”, and it’s got a lot of great chapters, and topics you could incorperate into this site. I’ll list em here, and if you care to use any/reward any that would be great,
  1. What Is A Vocation
  2. How God Calls
  3. I Feel Called To The Priesthood, but…
  4. How Do I Know This Call Is From God?
  5. Lord, I Am Not Worthy
  6. What Kind Of Preist Should I Be
  7. What Do I Tell My Family & Friends?
  8. Taking The Next Step
  9. The Path Toward Preisthood
  10. The Gift Of Celibacy
  11. The Other Two Vows
  12. You Are A Priest Forever
  13. the Best/Hardest Part Of Being A Priest
  14. Could You Ever Become A Catholic Priest
Some of can be combined, and not all should be included as its own topic, but I really feel that each topic is important. Thats my personal opinion, and if you need any extra info let me know. I’m really excited for this site.👍
I have a book, called “Could You Ever Become a Catholic Priest”, and it’s got a lot of great chapters, and topics you could incorperate into this site. I’ll list em here, and if you care to use any/reward any that would be great,
  1. What Is A Vocation
  2. How God Calls
  3. I Feel Called To The Priesthood, but…
  4. How Do I Know This Call Is From God?
  5. Lord, I Am Not Worthy
  6. What Kind Of Preist Should I Be
  7. What Do I Tell My Family & Friends?
  8. Taking The Next Step
  9. The Path Toward Preisthood
  10. The Gift Of Celibacy
  11. The Other Two Vows
  12. You Are A Priest Forever
  13. the Best/Hardest Part Of Being A Priest
  14. Could You Ever Become A Catholic Priest
Some of can be combined, and not all should be included as its own topic, but I really feel that each topic is important. Thats my personal opinion, and if you need any extra info let me know. I’m really excited for this site.👍
I appreciate the help. I wrote a lot of them down and am going to send a list of questions out to many priests I know and many I get to know to get answers and compile things together. Thanks for all the help!
Nelson, if you know where I can get that book I would appreciate it!
Here’s a link to it off Amazon. amazon.com/Could-Ever-Become-Catholic-Priest/dp/0818908165.

I found it at a local catholic store over here, and I was gonna buy it for a priest I know cause he likes to read basically anything pertaining to the priesthood, but I couldn’t find it at Barnes & Noble nor Borders, so your best bet is off the internet. If you need anymore help, let me know. I would love to help with whatever I can =)
Here’s a link to it off Amazon. amazon.com/Could-Ever-Become-Catholic-Priest/dp/0818908165.

I found it at a local catholic store over here, and I was gonna buy it for a priest I know cause he likes to read basically anything pertaining to the priesthood, but I couldn’t find it at Barnes & Noble nor Borders, so your best bet is off the internet. If you need anymore help, let me know. I would love to help with whatever I can =)
I just ordered it, should be here 7-14 days! I am excited to read this.
I could use help getting contact information of more Priests and Nuns. To send questions to and ask for articles and advice from. I am compiling a list of questions to make into a packet to send priests and nuns to have them fill out with their advice, prayers and suggestions.
Now I just needs nuns and priests to send it out to
That’s one thing I cant help. I know a few priests on AOL, but they wish their contact info was not shared. I’m sure you understand. I’m sure you could find a few priests e-mails who would be willing to answer these questions. Maybe ever Fr. Serpa would answer some questions, Fr. Leo, Fr. Joe Classen is somehwere around here I believe. Maybe even your local pastor? Not sure. One more topic I forgot to mention is Testimonals (spelling?). It wasn’t mentioned in the book, but I know reading those have always helped me understand why some people become priests. As far as nuns go, I don’t know any, sorry. Anything else, PM me, or contact me on AOL/MSN, just pm me yours. I love this whole idea, and hope it all goes through!
I know 2 priests here in the UK who might help? Do you want contact details?
Yes, please PM the information to me! Thank you!
I sent you a pm. I realised I should have added: they may not both necessarily agree- they are busy! However I think at least one will. PM me if you need any other help.
The website is up, its not together yet we still are collecting information and everything but the forum is up.
I also have a list of information for the website and I am looking for more about what you want, you being teens and young adults on the path to your future vocation.
Hopefully within a week the main part of the site will be up.
I am contacting CAF on Tuesday by phone and many other places. I am excited to see what God does with this! 👍
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