What are your thoughts on Church Militant?

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I admire their strong commitment to orthodox Catholic teaching, but I dislike that they seem to peddle hatred against Pope Francis and Church leaders. They spring upon all the bad things Francis does, but they rarely cover the good things he does. What do you guys think?
I would encourage you to do a forum search on “Church Militant”. This question has been asked many times and the conversation never seems to go well. Here are some of the threads:
Is Church Militant Schismatic? Popular Media
Hi everyone! I’m a college student at a Catholic college. But the college I go to is not always trustworthy. A Catholic professor of mine told me that Church Militant media is schismatic. I don’t like them and don’t follow them anyway (I used to but I got sick of all the anger). I just wanted to know if they are schismatic or if they’re okay to watch?
Does Church Militant represent a small % of Catholics? Apologetics
Recently I watched something from Church Militant. I should have stayed away, because I knew it would be an occasion for me to get angry. Well, I watched it anyway. I’m so torn up about this. Please tell me most Catholics are not like Church Militant. Why haven’t they been rebuked by the Catholic Church? Or have they? Knowing who I am, if CM represented the Catholic Church, I don’t think I could even remain Catholic!
I followed their page for a while a few years ago back when I had Facebook. It did seem pretty toxic for a Catholic news source. Almost every video I watched seemed to come from a place of pride with the goal of instilling pride in an isolating fashion. They seemed antagonistic, which I don’t think will help us fix the culture.
They’re inflammatory. And they’re very controversial here. Just search the forums and check out the numerous threads on them.
I accidentally landed on their website one day a couple of years ago, and the outside of their cup seemed nice. Then just browse the user comments and you will see some very vile, hateful things (allegedly posted by fellow catholics).
I admire their strong commitment to orthodox Catholic teaching…
I wouldn’t say they are orthodox, but more focused on church legalism rather than focused on expanding the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. My opinion only.
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Overall worth reading. They break and cover a lot of stories others don’t. At the same time they’re not the gospel.
Let me see, they report abuses and cover ups within the Church, hmmm. How long and why has the sex abuse scandals been going on? How long has homosexuality been running rampant in seminaries? How long has there been financial corruption inside the Church? A long time because no one wanted to speak up.

Maybe they are a bit in your face the way they report, but these things are important, and when no one speaks up nothing gets done. Why should the anger be directed at the bearer of bad news? I’m glad they report the corruption and bad behavior within the clergy. We need to know
Can someone explain, what’s up with the wig? Is it some kind of inside joke?
I would much rather be part of the Church Triumphant or even the Church Penitent.

Alas…here I am.
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Maybe they are a bit in your face the way they report, but these things are important, and when no one speaks up nothing gets done
I have never read any article in CM that seemed to offer useful information for the reader to act on.
I have talked to people who read it often. They never describe any action they, or anyone else took, as a result of reading CM.
What CM sells is Psychology. They offer thrills for a half hour, like a video game. CM offers readers the feeling that “you are right there, where the big decisions are made!”
It’s the same mindset as delinquent boys who joke about knocking off the Bishop’s hat with a snowball.
Maybe they are a bit in your face the way they report, but these things are important, and when no one speaks up nothing gets done
I have never read any article in CM that seemed to offer useful information for the reader to act on.
I have talked to people who read it often. They never describe any action they, or anyone else took, as a result of reading CM.
What CM sells is Psychology. They offer thrills for a half hour, like a video game. CM offers readers the feeling that “you are right there, where the big decisions are made!”
It’s the same mindset as delinquent boys who joke about knocking off the Bishop’s hat with a snowball.
I’m not really condoning their style, but I would bet that if they were around 20 years ago, a lot of abuse victims would have been saved.

Like them or not, they bring to attention questionable or down right heretical events that are ongoing in teh Church. I feel like I am better able to navigate knowing more info and not having my head buried in the sand thinking that the Church can do no wrong.
On several occasions I have observed/watched one of their podcasts. I find them to be divisive, and operating on a “bated breath”, passing towards hysterical or angry approach to subjects which apparently bother them, but are skewed unnecessarily as to the actual matter. They come across to me as having an attitude that their opinion is in line with the Church and that the matter about which they exhibit angst is at a minimum overblown, and on occasion bordering on (I am trying to be charitable) a miss-statement of the truth. I have yet to see (and likely never will) them speaking approvingly of certain individuals (e.g. the Pope) and directions the church has taken or is considering taking. And I likely never will see it, as I simply have chosen to never indulge in joining their seemingly perpetual angst. If one wishes to reduce my comment to something simple, I consider them clickbait. Or another way of saying it is I consider it to come across as gossip.
I follow Church Militant. It’s fascinating. I have no views on many of the issues that upset them such as how liturgy should be conducted and no views on which of the many streams of Catholic thought it preferable. So I may be a little more objective than some here 🙂 Anyway over the years I think what we have seen is Church Militant striving to build an audience. It is best understood as a business. By this I don’t mean that it exists simply to make money. What I mean is that if it does not make money it won’t exist. So It has developed an emphasis on stories that provoke emotional responses, repeat visits, and donations. These stories overwhelmingly are linked to sex and reproduction - not entirely to the exclusion of other issues but certainly as a dominant theme. This is standard in ‘tabloid’ journalism. Sex sells, and so does opposition to sexual practices you don’t support. It has researched I think the link between its core supporters and other streams of thought such as anti-Democratic party, pro-Trump and runs a sub-stream of stories picking up supporters whose dominant interest is politics rather than religion. And it of course seeks to pick up on the anti-abortion movement without stressing this as a major theme (I suspect their research shows only a minority of anti-abortion people want to read about it a lot so CM concentrates on ‘betrayal’ by those in the Church not upholding its take on teaching. Michael Voris is a talented journalist but does not seem to have attracted staff of similar calibre. As his content speeds out over more platforms to attract more audience the underlying quality is eroded. I think a part of the financial strategy must be to seek put people willing to leave CM money in their wills. A tried and true fundraising technique and no doubt promoted on its ‘retreat cruises’. I’m not saying any of this is wrong or immoral - just looking at the business model.
I’m not really condoning their style, but I would bet that if they were around 20 years ago, a lot of abuse victims would have been saved.
Reports of victims indicating abuse occurring since the 1980’s are relatively rare; the vast majority of abuse occurred before that. And most of the cases that have been reported in the last 20 years have been abuse by priests who were trained and ordained outside the US, so not subjected the the scrutiny of priests trained and ordained in the US. There simply is no published evidence to the contrary, and making an assumption that CM might have had some (name removed by moderator)ut and/or impact on the abuse matters is unsubstantiated.
I feel like I am better able to navigate knowing more info
How do you know which of their info is true, what’s false? Like National Catholic Reporter or Chick Publications, they have no connection to the Church.

Usually I don’t know how to evaluate their coverage, except for the times they covered things in my city, of which I am familiar. I found their coverage highly uncharitable, one sided, clearly " playing for the ratings".
They didn’t so much lie, but took a bit out of context, ignoring relevant data that was not sensational.

I suspect this pattern is true on stories based in other cities that I don’t have direct knowledge of.
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“You will know them by their fruits”
" A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."
As my jaundiced eye sees it, CM is to love as LSN is to well reasoned reportage.
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