Let me see, they report abuses and cover ups within the Church, hmmm. How long and why has the sex abuse scandals been going on? How long has homosexuality been running rampant in seminaries? How long has there been financial corruption inside the Church? A long time because no one wanted to speak up.
Maybe they are a bit in your face the way they report, but these things are important, and when no one speaks up nothing gets done. Why should the anger be directed at the bearer of bad news? I’m glad they report the corruption and bad behavior within the clergy. We need to know
I think you have made excellent summation.
I believe that in Catholicism we oftentimes look to our leadership as always giving us “just”’ guidance and good example, and speaking the truth. However, we know this simply isn’t always the case. I wish this were the case, but we also have to realize and we find out more and more there are sometimes abuses at high levels. They are men with like passions as everyone else. They may answer to a higher calling than us, but as we know, some abuse this calling.
Many devout Catholics take offence to sites like Church Militant and Lifesite News because they view it as an attack on the church. Admittedly, some of their presentations may seem a bit over the top and sensationalized, but usually there is, if not 100%, a high degree of an element of truth.
Many things that were once easily covered up, now through things like social media and the internet are now being exposed.
We have to understand that it is also acceptable for bishops to sometimes question the Pope. Certain bishops like Burke, Schneider, and Sarah have been criticized for seeking a clarification of the Pope’s statements and positions. All bishops are part of the magisterium to assure that the truth is being presented and to avoid heresies.
I think what we all really want is the “truth”. If we don’t have the truth, what do we have? We can’t and shouldn’t just stick our heads in the sand or put fingers in our ears. I am sure God wants us to know the truth. We depend on the church to be the provider of that truth. Whether, I always agree with all sources out there the fact is as you have stated if they didn’t exist, would a number of these abuses or improprieties still be occurring. All the people of the church are responsible or guarding the faith.