What book are you currently reading & what will you read next?

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Now - No Man is an Island Thomas Merton
Next - What ever the Spirit leads me too (ie: no clue)
50 questions on natural law: What it is and why we need it, by Charles Rice

Proving Trail, by Louis Lamour

I keep both books at hand, depending upon what mood I am in.
🤓 :yawn:
Now - No Man is an Island Thomas Merton
Next - What ever the Spirit leads me too (ie: no clue)
I am also reading No Man is an Island - Thomas Merton.
Just finished - Who’s Looking Out For You? - Bill O’Reilly.
Looking forward to reading - Lord, Have Mercy - Scott Hahn, and How to Talk to a Liberal (if you must), by Ann Coulter.
There is such a wide variety of what people are reading; what is most consistent is that Catholics regard old and new material as solid and faithful. CS Lewis, Aquinas, Augustine, Currie and Hahn are all solid and useful. There is stuff out there that I may consider to add on my wish list now that I wouldnt have considered before. 🙂
Currently reading Desolation Island by Patrick O’Brian. Next will be either the same author’s The Fortune of War (they are part of the series on which the movie Master and Commander was based) or The Grim Grotto from Lemony Snicket.
Well, I’ve just finished The Grim Grotto – I want to thank **Deacon Scott ** for reminding me about The Drive Factor, which I’d been meaning to read (my life can use some getting in gear). I ordered both that and *A Philadelphia Catholic in King James’s Court * from amazon, who delivered them lickety-split. I shall read both of them before venturing back to the library (which will hold my next two “Master and Commander” books until Friday).

My favorite Book is Revelation. Daniel is second and Paul to the Thessollonians third and fourth. They were the basis for my research which uncovered the Beast. The entertaining thirteen page paper is at the Vatican. Jimmy Akin said it could be valid. Want a copy? 661.703.4444 Father Dan coyle said,“It could be right.”
I read Life and Death in Shanghai, by Nien Cheng, last year and it was a really, really good book! I highly recommend it! 🙂
I am reading the The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck for the fourth time. I really love this book.

I am not sure what I will read next. Maybe Tom Sawyer.
Because I am starting the formation process to become a Benedictine Oblate (this weekend at our retreat I will become a novice) I am reading a lot of Benedictine stuff, Pope St. Gregory II’s 2nd Dialogue which is the bio of Benedict, Benedict in the World, the oblate formation book, the Benedictine Rule, Longenecker’s St. Benedict and St. Therese, C.S. Lewis’ The Problem of Pain, Huub Oosterhuis’ Prayers Poems and Songs, Pennington’s Vatican II, the 4th volume of the Baltimore CAthechism, Catholicism for Dummies, Scott Hahn’s Hail Holy Queen, The 33 Doctors of the Church. Saint Benedict for the Laity, Mother Theresa’s Suffering Into Joy, Aquinas’ The Ways of God, The Imitation of Christ, Hank Hanegraaff’s The Prayer of Jesus, Brother Lawrence’s The Practice of the Presence of God, various little Catholic pamphlets and booklets, Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s The Ten Commandments, and Dickens’ The Old Curiosity Shop. And of course the Bible.

Yeah, I read a lot, voraciously in fact. I don’t read all these each day, but over the course of a week or so. I also like the Readers Digest and Woman’s Day, and Good Housekeeping and Family Circle, the good women’s magazines. I have a wide range of tastes.

Next I want to read the remaining 3 Dialogues of Gregories, Mister God, This is Anna, more Dickens, some more books about Mary, more about Benedict and Therese of Liseaux since she is my patron saint, a good Lives of the Saints, The Total Consecration book, a book about Chaplets that I’ve seen so that I can pray more of them. And whatever else catches my interest at the Grotto bookstore. I also want to read Max Lucado’s stuff, which I’ve only lightly perused and I own quite a few of his books. More of Blessed Mother Therese too. So many books, too little time. :whacky:
I too am a voracious reader. I just finished Eats Shoots and Leaves which is all about grammar. ( which is ironic, since I’m terrible at it.)

I’m also in the middle of The Partner by John Grisham, Trinity by Leon Uris, Moneyball (the sabermetrics story of baseball) and a book about the greatest rivalry in sports (the BoSox and Yanks). I also am constantly reading ESPN.com to get scores for the playoffs ( EAT IT ANAHEIM!!), and like 300 textbooks (which are my bedtime reading because I get about two paragraphs in, and I’m down for the count… but then again, line item budgets are REALLY dry)
There are 2 books that I am currently reading:

For our Adult Bible Study we are reading a BRAND NEW book just off the presses.
The Holy Gospels: A Byzantine Perspective by John S. Custer Our Byzanitine Parish is the First in the whole country to have this book. We are the Guinea Pigs testing the book for it’s classroom appeal. So far, I am way ahead of the class, because I unterstand the points of view.

The second book I am reading is for the sheer fun of it. I just got it in the mail yeaterday and I’m already read 150+Pages
Pierced By a Sword by Bud MacFarlane, Jr. From what understand A WHOLE LOT of people have read this book since 1995, and I’m just now getting to it. I like what I’ve read so far.

In fact I have 2 other of Bud’s books in thw wings when this one is done: Conceived Without Sin & House of Gold

go with God!
needed a good laugh (best medicine) so picked up In God We Trust All Others Pay Cash, by Jean Shepherd, childhood memoirs of kid growing up in NW Indiana steel town, like my husband did. Movie the Christmas Story was based on this book, like a gritty Bob Green.
Hostage to the Devil by Malachi Martin

**Next is the new “Rockne of Notre Dame”.:clapping: **
I’ve just started Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body which will undoubtedly keep me busy for a *very *long time! His writing is exquisite!
I am reading “The Passion of Jesus and its hidden meanings” by Fr. James Groenings S.J.

It’s great!
Just finished Edmund Campion by Evelyn Waugh (highly recommend!) and am now reading (this ought to get me some angry posts) My Life by Bill Clinton. 😃
I am currently reading Pope JPII’s Love and Responsibility, and Stephen King’s *On Writing. *

In the Amazon wish list pile:
Voices of the Saints by Bert Ghezzi, tons of books by Chesterton, Theology of the Body, and misc books by Scott Hahn, Scott Turow, Anne Lamott, Mary Oliver…

**The Homeward Bounders by Diana Wynne Jones. It is an interesting story about a boy who discovers other earths; and travels them, always seeking to return home. Anybody ever hear of the the legendary kingdom of Terebinthia?
I am currently reading Divine Mercy in My Soul by Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska.
After I finish I will be starting Imitation of Christ. I have a long list of books I intend on buying so I will see what comes after Imitation.

Here is a partial list of my Must Reads in no particular order:

Interior Castle, The Way of Perfection
St.Teresa of Avila

Introduction to the Devout Life, The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Lent
St. Francis De Sales

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations
The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Anne Catherine Emmerich

The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory
Sister Emmanuel of Medjugorje

Pius XII and the Holocaust: Understanding the Controversy
José M. Sánchez
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