What can be done to stop gun violence

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Assault weapons are designed specifically to max the kill. They are weapons of war.
They did not make these weapons so that shooters could fire off rounds quickly at a target. They were designed for max kill.
which makes it the perfect self defense weapon for those who know how to use it.
Well, not exactly perfect. A perfect self defense weapon would be one that is able to quickly and effectively immobilize the aggressor without killing him. That would be perfect.
I taught kids in scouts how to properly and safely use guns early in their lives. if they came upon a gun they knew what to do with it and how to properly handle it.

a gun is a tool, the problem is that we stopped training kids how to safely use this tool and instead glamorized it as a object of power. now we get upset that they abuse it
Teaching kids how to handle and respect guns as a tool does help the one problem of kids being careless with guns. But it does not address the problem of kids, as they get older, deliberately using a gun to do bad things. That I think is the bigger problem as it causes the most deaths (although deaths from kids being careless are terrible too.)
Since you will never accept the reasoning for for good people to own weapons by constitutional right, how about you protect your family with a bat and I’ll protect mine with a firearm.

I done with this conversation with you.
Perhapos pictures would help:
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I tell ya what, when the Pope gets rid of his guards using “death sticks”, then I will consider getting rid of mine. His life is no more valuable than mine.
As an avid hunter, I can tell you that neither of the rifles in your post look like hunting rifles to me.
It is not how they look, it is what they are used for.
No one hunts with a semi-automatic weapon.
Or let me amend that and say, no sportsman would use that kind of weapon.
Yet dunder heads would equate one as a “death stick” because gosh its scary, even though they both do the same thing.

2nd amendment is not for hunting, its for the right to kill people who need killing.
What can be done to stop gun violence?

Obviously by removing and destroying all guns… would do the trick…

For, no Gun? No violence can be committed via a gun!

Other than that -

Begin by FIRST
removing all of the 100’s of Millions of Illegal Unregistered guns
from the hands of criminals including gang-bangers and anyone else who owns some.

For … when those guns remain in existence
besides sport shooting and hunting
  • Americans want protection for e.g, Home and Businesses
    and guns at home become something they do not want to give up

A quick look at the horrendous stats of people shot, and killed, in eg., Chicago,
which has very tough gun laws - don’t mean beans when they’re not enforced.

go to heyjackass dot com if you don’t know what I’m talking.

Its the reality of the fallen world, your utopia will never happen until the second coming.
You cannot be serious with this. A security alarm? Did I not say it would take the Sheriff’s Department 15-20 minutes to respond. We could all be dead by then. A bat? Pepper spray? To use a bat one has to get pretty close, too close. A swing and a miss would mean the bad guy now has the bat. Pepper spray - again one has to get close, too close.
The love for who? The person who breaks into my house or the love for my family?

First, my door would never be open. Second, family members who come to my home know to announce themselves especially if it is late at night or call first. Everyone else would ring the doorbell. If it wasn’t one of those it would be a pretty good assumption it was someone intending no good.

And this says a lot about you.
Interesting reasoning. You’re saying you are more likely to swing and miss with a big ol’ baseball.bat than a teeny little bullet?

And that you’d rather, if you miss (which seems.at least equally likely with either weapon) that an intruder not be able to get a bat from you, when they are.juat as likely to be able to take your gun from you if that is your weapon of choice and you miss?
The politicians seem to be gridlocked over what they can legislate to make us safer from gun violence.
Universal backgrounds checks, red flag laws, outlawing of assault type weapons and implementation of a buy back plan for those who currently own such weaponry, and closing the gun show loopholes would seem sensible.
Though there are some who do not believe these thing would work, I believe we must try something to stem the tide of mass shootings around this country.
Are there any other things that could be tried?
Rigidly enforce existing laws…all laws…

No need for more laws, just be more aggressive with the ones we have.

I hold an CCP and Indiana is an open carry state also…
clean-up would be messy

no, it is dishonest to paint it as a limited use item when it has developed into so much more.
Private sale of guns is like the wild west… need to reign in. Need to write sensible laws and enforce them.
what percentage of guns are sold without a background check? how do you enforce it among criminals? after all, that is who it should stop
I’m not sure how you can deny that there is a correlation between the immense number of guns in the US, ease of access to those guns and the amount of gun violence.
there is data on both sides of the argument. lookup John Lott’s data. pick who you want to believe.
I’m simply stating my opinion that getting a gun should be only as easy as getting a drivers license; not easier.
driving a car is a lot more dangerous than owning a gun

in the modern age, toys are hi-tech and guns can be toys as are vehicles, boats, etc

because the cop will be late

they will do little if the perp has a gun. how long does it take a cop to respond to your alarm system? if you don’t know, you can bet the perp who scoped out your house does. especially if you have something they want.

you need to try it
Assault weapons are designed specifically to max the kill. They are weapons of war.
so why aren’t they fully automatic if they are weapons of war?

it can be a duty to protect others
2263 The legitimate defense of persons and societies is not an exception to the prohibition against the murder of the innocent that constitutes intentional killing. "The act of self-defense can have a double effect: the preservation of one’s own life; and the killing of the aggressor. . . . The one is intended, the other is not."65
2264 Love toward oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality. Therefore it is legitimate to insist on respect for one’s own right to life. Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow:
If a man in self-defense uses more than necessary violence, it will be unlawful: whereas if he repels force with moderation, his defense will be lawful. . . . Nor is it necessary for salvation that a man omit the act of moderate self-defense to avoid killing the other man, since one is bound to take more care of one’s own life than of another’s.66
2265 Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm. For this reason, those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility.
Or let me amend that and say, no sportsman would use that kind of weapon.
nonsense, that is why they sell more than one caliber of bullet, personal preference.
its the reality of the fallen world, your utopia will never happen until the second coming.
this should be obvious on a religious website
Interesting reasoning. You’re saying you are more likely to swing and miss with a big ol’ baseball.bat than a teeny little bullet?
the perp will shoot you before you get close enough to hit him with the bat. you don’t come to a gunfight with a bat.
You’re saying you are more likely to swing and miss with a big ol’ baseball.bat than a teeny little bullet?
I am far more confident in my aim with a firearm than I am with a bat. I spent far more years training with I firearm than I ever did playing baseball. With a firearm it is much quicker to pull the trigger again than it is to wind up the bat. Also with a standard magazine I can fire several bullets in a very short period of time, more than I can with a bat.

When I get my shot gun hopefully the sound of racking it will be enough to make the intruder go away. If not, no need to aim, just point in the general direction and fire.

Someone better tell the secret service they should switch to bats 😆
I’m simply stating my opinion that getting a gun should be only as easy as getting a drivers license; not easier.
driving a car is a lot more dangerous than owning a gun
That’s because people drive their cars almost every day, but guns are used much less frequently. So of course there are going to be more car accidents. That still does not justify making owning a gun easier than owning a car.
No one hunts with a semi-automatic weapon.
Or let me amend that and say, no sportsman would use that kind of weapon.
I use a semi auto for hunting, what’s the problem with it? Supposed follow up shots? I’ve never needed it. High capacity? I use a 5 round magazine, but I typically load 2-3 rounds.

Granted, do I need it for hunting? No. But it works just as well as a bolt or single shot rifle, and to be honest, is plain fun for target shooting.
It was a flippant response to the fact that the second amendment is for self defense: Defense of our liberty, our nation, and individuals. And as long as we live in a fallen world, “death sticks” will be required. Any pollyanna idea that they can be banned and not needed is ridiculous.
If your stating that self defense does not require firearms, than that would apply to EVERYONE.
Your trying to have it both ways. Joe Blow in the hood has a greater chance of getting shot than the President.

Mines, bombs and such are indiscriminate weapons and not appropriate for self defense. They cannot be aimed directly at the attacker and have a high chance of killing innocents.
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