Not to take away from all the talking past each other going in.
But perhaps there are some thing we can all agree on.
- Police brutality is bad
- Police brutality sometimes occurs
- Not all (nor even most) police officers are guilty of police brutality
I hope you can forgive the comparison, but I am reminded of the priest sex abuse scandal. Is sex abuse bad? Of course. Did some priests commit sex abuse. Tragically, yes. Are all or even most priests guilty of sex abuse? Not even close. We can point that out without it meaning we condone sex abuse. Yet in the minds of some, simply pointing it out makes them feel we are making excuses for abusive priests. It’s a difficult situation to be in.
I’m sure police brutality occurs. And it ought to be condemned and prosecuted when it occurs. But I do think we need to strive to look at it as objectively as possible. I see a lot of opinions and anecdotal information, but not a lot of useful statistics. When people’s emotions are charged, it doesn’t always help the situation.
I know priests for whom the sex abuse scandal has been particularly difficult. It’s not because they have done anything, but it’s because the media narrative is so entrenched in people’s minds that they get looked at with suspicion everywhere they go. I’ve known some priests who have even gotten chewed out by random strangers who decide to lump them in with all the abuser priests.
And I fear we are going the same direction with the police. Every police officer will now be viewed with suspicion as though they might beat you down for no reason at all.
Such heightened tension concerns me.
Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating sweeping things under the rug or being okay with those that victimize others. Not at all. But we do need to try to look at the situation honestly and realistically. Using news stories alone is seldom the best way to do that.