is the video disturbing, yes, a full grown man, especially a police officer cant take down a skinny girl , with out punching her or beating on her ? But context is always key, there is more to the story which isn’t told. An then you have to take into consideration how much force are the police allowed to use when coming up against an unruly person who is spitting, kicking, biting and punching, and the person is smaller than them. The officer i suppose could have used his tazer, and then what would the screaming be… or he could have maced her i suppose…
But really the only answer to changing Police policy and Police training is to start a movement that either results in a law being created to address both Police Policy and training, or moves law enforcement to make the changes on their own. An to also have a lawyer who is willing to go to court to have these issues addressed.
The thing is it wont happen. Maybe never. Change only comes at the height of things being no longer acceptable, society is reactive, not proactive. It costs money to create a movement, to set up a website, to create flyers, set up an event at a park, set up a speaking event… so basically you either need to have the money or find a sponsor. Then good luck finding a lawyer who wants to take on the system , in the courts and to actually write up a some kind of comprehensive law on the issue, and then good luck finding the money to pay said lawyers.
When all you have is spotty events where people moan and complain about how horrible it was that something bad happened, and the only result is some spotty rioting here an there that the left labels as " protesting " and then in return you get pandering by leaders in law enforcement. nothing changes.
BUT then again police are not the real problem, people are, we wouldnt need police if people could behave. Police are not there to police good people, they are there to police the unruly and unlawful people.
When the police decide to misuse and abuse their authoraty , the correct thing to do is to use the courts as they were created to do, not burn a city to the ground. In the heat of the moment though to prevent police abuse, people have to be willing to get involved, get hurt, and get arrested, and not many are. An then one has to be able to quickly discern the situation to figure out if the officer is abusing their authoraty or not.
And perhaps if anything a law needs to be created that allows citizens to interviene against police when there is reason to believe that the police are abusing their authoraty , but that would be a very slippery slope and would need very detailed guidelines and even then may not do anything but cause excuses why someone didnt obey a lawful order.