What can we do about the new nuclear threat?

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Interesting and scary.​

Who is going to die?
by Joseph Farah
Posted: December 1, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

Yossef Bodansky, the former director of the U.S. Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and a man I respect immensely for his intelligence insights, says the United States faces an “inevitable” al-Qaida attack with weapons of mass destruction.

What would be the U.S. response to such an attack?

Now is the time to think about the unthinkable.

Interesting and scary.​

Who is going to die?
by Joseph Farah
Posted: December 1, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

Yossef Bodansky, the former director of the U.S. Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and a man I respect immensely for his intelligence insights, says the United States faces an “inevitable” al-Qaida attack with weapons of mass destruction.

What would be the U.S. response to such an attack?

Now is the time to think about the unthinkable.
I thought they just wanted to use it for power? :rolleyes:

Interesting and scary.​

Who is going to die?
by Joseph Farah
Posted: December 1, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

Yossef Bodansky, the former director of the U.S. Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and a man I respect immensely for his intelligence insights, says the United States faces an “inevitable” al-Qaida attack with weapons of mass destruction.

What would be the U.S. response to such an attack?

Now is the time to think about the unthinkable.
Along the lines of a threat to deter any nuclear attack on the U.S.:

bye-bye Mecca.
We should make it known to the whole world that within 30 minutes of a WMD attack on the US, Mecca will cease to exist along with any other cities we feel have been cooperating with the terrorist. The liberals of the world will scream their heads off, but we should stick to our guns.
We should make it known to the whole world that within 30 minutes of a WMD attack on the US, Mecca will cease to exist along with any other cities we feel have been cooperating with the terrorist. The liberals of the world will scream their heads off, but we should stick to our guns.
Absolutely. Those who seek to exterminate us must know that doing so will result in their entire cause being eliminated. Those who fund them, harbor them, train them, and send them all gone. Those would seek to murder hundreds of millions of innocents cannot be allowed to take over the world.

That is what took during the Cold War to prevent nuclear war–Mutually Assured Destruction. And that is what it takes now, only it is not against a country that would launch them–since we wouldn’t know what country–it is against an entire movement that would feed it

It’s the most moral defense. Fewer innocents would be at risk if they knew immeasurable destruction awaited their cause.

Peace through strength.
The liberals of the world will scream their heads off, but we should stick to our guns.
Honestly, liberals should (but won’t) understand it is the most peaceful solution. This type of stalemate is what kept us from nuclear war with the Soviet Union.
Psst Brad, Mecca is not in Iran…

And the fallout would probably poison most populated cities in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and possibly drift into Iraq.

Not a good idea.
And the fallout would probably poison most populated cities in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and possibly drift into Iraq.

Not a good idea.
Depends on which way the wind is blowing and the size of the nuke. On the other hand, fallout in Saudi Arabia and Iraq might not be such a bad thing after all…Just yank the troops out before ya drop 'em!
Depends on which way the wind is blowing and the size of the nuke. On the other hand, fallout in Saudi Arabia and Iraq might not be such a bad thing after all…Just yank the troops out before ya drop 'em!
not a very Christian thing to say

What’s the status and is the so-called STAR WARS defense system applicable?
And the fallout would probably poison most populated cities in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and possibly drift into Iraq.

Not a good idea.
I think you are missing the point here. I said it is worthwile to put the threat on the table, not actually do it. It is a form of protection against millions of our own being killed.
I think you are missing the point here. I said it is worthwile to put the threat on the table, not actually do it. It is a form of protection against millions of our own being killed.
I thought you were perfectly clear, it was reminiscent of Theodore Roosevelt’s “speak softy, but carry a big stick”. Works for me.
I thought you were perfectly clear, it was reminiscent of Theodore Roosevelt’s “speak softy, but carry a big stick”. Works for me.
Me too!🙂
Using nuclear weapons would be evil. And to support the use of nuclear weapons is to support evil.

Pope John Paul II’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations stated in October 1997: **“Nuclear weapons are incompatible with the peace we seek for the 21st century. They cannot be justified. They deserve condemnation.” **

"We recognize the opposition that our message will meet."

By Catholics, too…so sad.

"We are painfully aware that many of our policymakers sincerely believe that possessing nuclear weapons is vital for our national security.We are convinced though, that it is not.
Instead, they make the world a more dangerous place. They provide a rationale for other nations to build a nuclear arsenal, thereby increasing the possibility that they will be used by someone."

Do you support evil?
Using nuclear weapons would be evil. And to support the use of nuclear weapons is to support evil.

Pope John Paul II’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations stated in October 1997: **“Nuclear weapons are incompatible with the peace we seek for the 21st century. They cannot be justified. They deserve condemnation.” **

"We recognize the opposition that our message will meet."

By Catholics, too…so sad.

"We are painfully aware that many of our policymakers sincerely believe that possessing nuclear weapons is vital for our national security.We are convinced though, that it is not.
Instead, they make the world a more dangerous place. They provide a rationale for other nations to build a nuclear arsenal, thereby increasing the possibility that they will be used by someone."

Do you support evil?
I wish I was surprised by this.

Anyways, on your peace trip (by acusing the peaceful of promoting evil, as usual), you fail to see that us having nuclear weapons will prevent them from being used. Without us having them, our enemies wouldn’t hesitate to murder hundreds of millions of us if they could.

I’m not in favor of using them. I doubt any of us on here are. So we must stay strong to prevent their use. It’s not that complicated.

Accusing catholics of supporting evil? That’s a bit much to take, especially from someone who would love to change history and put Saddam back in his palaces so he can put his citizens in torture chambers, rape rooms, and mass graves.

And no, i’m not supporting evil. Why are you more opposed to those who fight evil than you are to evil?

I’m wasting my time. :banghead: I’m just glad we don’t have a president who would do what you would do with nuclear weapons. We’d all be toast.
Church leaders have declared nuclear weapons to be inherently evil so to support our country or any country to build and maintain these weapons is to support evil. The US should be leading the world in destroying these weapons.
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