What denominations believe/promote Jack Chick the most?

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Many of Chick’s admirers are scoffers who have no intention of taking his warnings of hellfire to heart.
Does this somehow diminish the handful of people, even scoffers, who might take some of his message to heart? He has many characters in his comics who scoff, but at some point repent, sometimes at the last second, and are saved.

I’ve had some productive discussions of religion in the past that were triggered by someone reading a Jack Chick comic.

I get that the guy didn’t like Catholics, and misrepresented Catholic teaching in some of his tracts (as does just about every single non-Catholic out there), but when we sneer at his entire oeuvre, we’re in some sense just as bad as the scoffers and atheists. I also think many of the people who deride his work have not actually read it.

I myself pray for his soul.
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Does this somehow diminish the handful of people, even scoffers, who might take some of his message to heart? He has many characters in his comics who scoff, but at some point repent, sometimes at the last second, and are saved.
All I’m saying is that lots of people read his work, and plenty of it, strictly for laughs. It’s their loss, I suppose, but there we are.
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But instead, you frightened him–I agree with you that he might very well think you were cursing him. What good did that do?
What good did it do? As you say, it frightened him. That was my goal. Mission accomplished. Judge me if you like.
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