What do I do with pagan/witchcraft rock?

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what’s the proper way to ditch it quietly?
Bury it somewhere where people aren’t likely to tread.
AFAIK, burying is for holy things, so I would rather chuck it away in a dumpster or a lake where it’d be out of the way.
AFAIK, burying is for holy things, so I would rather chuck it away in a dumpster or a lake where it’d be out of the way.
That’s right, sorry, I was misremembering what a priest said once. You can also smash the rock to bits - our priest once took a Greek “evil eye” pendent and smashed it behind our church.
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Put it in the ground with the other rocks. Cursed items should be buried, burned or thrown into a river.
From the article you posted:
But we should not become preoccupied with such matters and instead trust in our Lord and his Church.
I love, trust and have faith in God. Therefore, I cannot be harmed by someone doing something with a rock.
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That’s true but they can be cursed. And this one probably is.
I don’t get why we’re all assuming it’s genuinely some kind of pagan artifact that needs to be exorcised or buried or thrown in the lake or whatever. What is a “pagan rock”? How is the rock pagan? What does that even mean?
Today a friend gave me a pagan rock they believed had powers. No idea where she got it but she’s involved with witchcraft and occult stuff. What do I need to do with it? If I need to get rid of it how do I do it?
I think a relevant factor is why she believes the rock has powers.

Is it just some random piece of quartz and she thinks quartz innately has powers? No worries, she’s just wrong, the rock is fine.

Did she attempt to cast some spell or ask a god or goddess of some pagan pantheon to impart special powers to this rock? Then yeah that’s ookie, and I’d suggest getting rid of it or at least contacting your priest for his counsel on how to have this rock treated before it’s acceptable to keep in your house.

And I’d ask your friend specific questions in future and be prepared to politely decline a gift on account of your religion. She’ll learn to give you different gifts, like mittens and cookies and stuff. (That she hopefully won’t feel the need to ‘cast spells’ over, if she knows and respects your religious beliefs.)
Is it just some random piece of quartz and she thinks quartz innately has powers? No worries, she’s just wrong, the rock is fine.

Did she attempt to cast some spell or ask a god or goddess of some pagan pantheon to impart special powers to this rock? Then yeah that’s ookie, and I’d suggest getting rid of it or at least contacting your priest for his counsel on how to have this rock treated before it’s acceptable to keep in your house.
I think your analysis is 100% correct. As the OP does not know if the rock was used in a pagan ritual, and the witch friend cannot be trusted to determine that, my recommendation remains: exorcise or explode.
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I don’t get why we’re all assuming it’s genuinely some kind of pagan artifact that needs to be exorcised or buried or thrown in the lake or whatever. What is a “pagan rock”? How is the rock pagan? What does that even mean?
“We’re all” not assuming. I’m responding to people giving them the benefit of the doubt that their concerns might be true, mostly because there are people on this forum who won’t let go of such superstitions.

I personally think this is complete hooha; a rock is a rock, plus this is a gift from a friend, presumably with good intent, so it’s not like your neighbor from hell doing a voodoo curse on your back steps.

Even if we concede that there are cursed objects in the world, a friend giving you a pretty rock that they may have said some new age Wicca folderol over, or may have just felt some autosuggestion “vibe” from when they picked it up, is unlikely to fall in that category.
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I think you’re getting a bit carried away with this idea and would suggest that it’s not spiritually healthy to be that invested in the ideas you’re putting forth. Like I said, there is nothing for a devout and prayerful Catholic to fear from a rock. We are not going out and participating in a pagan ritual at midnight or any of that.

Unfortunately this forum gets posts from a lot of people who for whatever reason are inordinately afraid of curses, demons, etc. It’s not productive to feed their fears unless they are really doing something risky. Getting a rock from a friend is not risky.
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I think you’re getting a bit carried away with this idea and would suggest that it’s not spiritually healthy to be that invested in the ideas you’re putting forth
The greatest con the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn’t exist.
I totally believe the devil exists. I just don’t see him under my bed all the time like some do, or in a rock. God made rocks. The devil doesn’t come and take possession of them.

I am not interested in discussing superstitions further with you. Good day.
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I think you’re getting a bit carried away with this idea and would suggest that it’s not spiritually healthy to be that invested in the ideas you’re putting forth. Like I said, there is nothing for a devout and prayerful Catholic to fear from a rock.
If I might suggest, I think extremes in one direction can be worsened by extremes in another direction.

Insisting there’s “nothing” to worry about is an extreme position, as far to one side as you can go, and therefore seems more likely, to me, to provoke extreme worry as far to the other side as people can go, as people attempt to balance things out.

Just human psychology, I think. Overreacting to an error in one direction with an error in another direction. Whereas acknowledging a reason for concern and providing a quick path to alleviating it, can keep concerns low.

Personally as an ex-Wiccan I didn’t keep my old stuff. I do think there’s a problem with it. That’s not the same as irrational fear or superstition. Catholicism doesn’t teach that there’s no such thing as the spirit world; quite the contrary. The Church keeps exorcists trained and active for a reason. Does that mean every little rock a Wiccan touches needs an exorcism? No. But it does mean we shouldn’t invite trouble and start filling our shelves with ‘gifts’ of objects a Wiccan has deliberately attempted to impart an effect to through the use of spells or especially invoking spirits they may not necessarily understand.

Again, the OP hasn’t mentioned if that happened here. But my understanding is that even serious apologists like Jimmy Akin counsel more caution about this stuff than you’re suggesting.
Once again, it’s a rock.

There are items and occasions that I would see as being of more concern. This isn’t one of them.

We get all kinds of overly superstitious and anxious people on this forum. I don’t see anything productive on feeding that. If you think differently, fine, it’s on you. I’m entitled to my opinion.

I personally think the danger of a rock is giving this superstition credence in one’s own mind. The rock isn’t the issue. People letting their minds run away with them are responsible for their vulnerability. Not the rock, if they believe and trust God.

I’m muting this now and if you or anyone else wish to continue to worry about a rock and accuse me of not believing in the Devil simply because I trust God, then feel free. I know there’s nothing to worry about. God is with me. And he will be with whoever has this rock.
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Insisting there’s “nothing” to worry about is an extreme position, as far to one side as you can go, and therefore seems more likely, to me, to provoke extreme worry as far to the other side as people can go, as people attempt to balance things out.
I just don’t know what we’re discussing. Again, what is a pagan rock? A rock his friend used in some kind of occult ceremony? A pretty geode his friend said is some kind of New Age “healing crystal”?
If you are asking how demons get attached to objects, ask Catholic Answers:
That’s not what I’m asking. I’m basically asking OP to clarify what he’s talking about. The majority seems to have just assumed they know and answered accordingly.
I just don’t know what we’re discussing. Again, what is a pagan rock? A rock his friend used in some kind of occult ceremony? A pretty geode his friend said is some kind of New Age “healing crystal”?
Yes, I asked the same thing in my original response too (and made it clear that the answer would depend). OP hasn’t responded yet.
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