
Then is the term “atheist” just newspeak, for a person who really really really wants there to be no gods, but doesn’t have the evidence to prove it? Why not just call yourself an agnostic?I characterise myself as an atheist. It’s a simple term that doesn’t need to go into shades of gnosticism to have people understand it. You know whatnit means and so does everyone else. The fact that I don’t claim that gods do not exist doesn’t change that. And Dawkins, probably the most well known atheist, self describes as an agnostic. He is a scientist and likes his terminology to be exact. And Pluto…gee, if someone claimed it existed then they must have had a reason for saying so. So the …
Dawkins is often quite unscientific, despite his reputation, and I view him as muddling the line there should be between philosophy and physical science. He is also often quite bigoted towards people who have a different world view than himself and unwilling the accept the epistemological subjectivity which facts possess. He once referred to Islam as “the greatest force for evil today”.
Le Verrier did in 1840 hypothesize the existence of a planet beyond Neptune based on perturbations of the planets orbit. Though, belief in a Planet X was common at the time, virtually always accompanied by a lack of evidence to prove the existence of said Planet X.