What do you fast from?

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OK, maybe this doesn’t count–but I’m abstaining from meat permanently. I’ve had 4 slip ups in the last 4 months, but it’s going well. I truly feel as though this is something God wants to me to do, so I’m trying!
Seriously I’m sorry I tempted you. . . .
Yes, you should be. Introducing a detailed description of a scrumptious feast into the middle of a thread where we’re all supposed to be thinking of the serious subject of fasting. But since you’ve promised to join me, I shall forgive you. . . this time. I wonder how many days we can keep it up?
Lovely part of the world Yorkshire, I’m in the next county along which is equally beautiful.
Yes, I miss it.
OK, maybe this doesn’t count–but I’m abstaining from meat permanently. I’ve had 4 slip ups in the last 4 months, but it’s going well. I truly feel as though this is something God wants to me to do, so I’m trying!
Hi vegpotter:

I don’t see why it shouldn’t count. So far as I’m concerned it counts. It’s not easy to change one’s eating habits and the effort required to do so seems to me to be a true penance. It could be that the Holy Spirit is quietly urging others who aren’t presently listening to join you.

Yes, you should be. Introducing a detailed description of a scrumptious feast into the middle of a thread where we’re all supposed to be thinking of the serious subject of fasting. But since you’ve promised to join me, I shall forgive you. . . this time. I wonder how many days we can keep it up?
Yes, I miss it.
Dear Romano

For 6 days then rest and feast on the 7th.

🙂 God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear Romano

For 6 days then rest and feast on the 7th.

🙂 God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Hi Teresa:


I’ve been giving some thought to your notion of a celebratory Sunday meal and have concluded that it is not entirely without merit. And since today brought the best news I’ve heard for a long time – the election of Cardinal Ratzinger! – I decided to break my fast and. . . yes. . .


Menu: A tossed salad of lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, avocado, and pimento, with a dressing of flax seed oil, balsamic vinegar, and crushed chili, and, as an added sinful luxury, a side dish of steamed cauliflower and French beans! For dessert: a big glass of water in which I’m happy to say my spoon wouldn’t stand up, possibly because it was filtered water.

Now doesn’t that sound tempting!


You are right. No-one should fast on a Sunday nor plan to do that.


**ACTUALLY, **in the Eastern Church, when Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, we fast from 12 noon until sundown instead of for the entire day…

WOOOHOOO, I’ve beaten Scott Lafrance to a joke for once.

Personally, I try to fast from fasting!
Hi Teresa:


I’ve been giving some thought to your notion of a celebratory Sunday meal and have concluded that it is not entirely without merit. And since today brought the best news I’ve heard for a long time – the election of Cardinal Ratzinger! – I decided to break my fast and. . . yes. . .


Menu: A tossed salad of lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, avocado, and pimento, with a dressing of flax seed oil, balsamic vinegar, and crushed chili, and, as an added sinful luxury, a side dish of steamed cauliflower and French beans! For dessert: a big glass of water in which I’m happy to say my spoon wouldn’t stand up, possibly because it was filtered water.

Now doesn’t that sound tempting!


Dear Romano

🙂 Yes extremely tempting…I have written your meal down and will make it for myself sometime! Thank you for that.

I am glad to see a healthy balance between fasting and enjoyment of food. Over piety and over-zealous fasting is a worry to me, I think to be prudent, it is all things good in measure. A little food, something good to celebrate! That is good.

You know you have my favourite thing for desert…water! 😃

I am still celebrating in my heart the election of Cardinal Ratzinger as our Pope. I love him. I perceive he is very kind, sincere, gentle, loving, humble, holy and obedient to the Truth.

Truly it’s a time to celebrate and not to fast!!!

Open the fridge and pour the wine or a beer or whatever tickles your fancy!

By the way can I have bread and a little watered down wine with that salad, I take bread with all meals and wine with some?😃 😉

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


**ACTUALLY, **in the Eastern Church, when Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, we fast from 12 noon until sundown instead of for the entire day…



Dear friend

That is interesting. We have a short fast as you know before receiving the Eucharist, of one hour prior to receiving.Then we celebrate the Eucharist (which means thanksgiving) which is the Mystical feast, a solemn party in celebration of the Lord. Then after this we feast ( have a good dinner and share time with each other) in our family.

I truly believe Sunday is the day to be thankful to God for all things (I know we should do this everyday, giving thanks etc) and to celebrate by food all God’s gifts and being thankful for them and for all friends and family. For the creation of all souls and trying to be kind and making good deeds to each other. Sunday is the Lord’s day especially above all other days, a day to be thankful for everything, blessing and trial, and a day to celebrate the Lord and His creation, a day then to feast, first in the Lord’s House and then in our homes and the homes of friends and family, a day to reach to the stranger and a day to give and offer thanks!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

And since (in my humble opinion) bread and water is for wimps, I will as usual skip the bread.
Ok, I’m a wimp. 😉 I try the bread and water only on Wednesday and Friday thing, (Source: Our Lady’s messages in Medjugorje) but I’m not real consistant here. I just grab something forgetting what day it is. I suffer from AAADD (Age Amplified Attention Deficit Disorder).

By the way can I have bread and a little watered down wine with that salad, I take bread with all meals and wine with some?😃 😉

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Well. . . . OK, if you insist. So long as it’s real bread and Australian wine!

Ok, I’m a wimp. 😉 I try the bread and water only on Wednesday and Friday thing, (Source: Our Lady’s messages in Medjugorje) but I’m not real consistant here. I just grab something forgetting what day it is. I suffer from AAADD (Age Amplified Attention Deficit Disorder).

Hi Jim:

Well, to tell you the truth, me non eatibus breadibus cos I can’t find any out here!

As for your AAADD, thanks for the translation. I suffer from ASD myself (Alphabet Soup Disorder) and can never understand what these things mean unless somebody tells me.

Maybe this should have come under the heading of coffee because it’s caffeiene, but the last time I fasted, I fasted from Pepsi.

Well. . . . OK, if you insist. So long as it’s real bread and Australian wine!

As for your AAADD, thanks for the translation. I suffer from ASD myself (Alphabet Soup Disorder) and can never understand what these things mean unless somebody tells me.

Dear Romano

Both of these have me rolling!!:rotfl: I’ve had the most horrible day and one of the best days, that’s how some days work out…thanks for the laugh!

I’m having trouble working out what real bread is, I haven’t eaten any fake bread yet? Australian wine? Well I like a chilled glass of Jacob’s Creek. If you can suggest a better one, go ahead…by the way this thread has gone from discussing not eating to discussing what we like to eat, human nature, so very weak !!!😃

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Used to get road rage all the time. Couple of years ago, funny as it sounds, I “gave up” road rage for lent.

Now, several years later…still no road rage (at least not like it used to be).

It’s a good thang 🙂

I abstain from meat on Fridays, but in secret. When I make my lunch, I don’t add deli meats, but if my wife makes it, I’ll eat whatever she put there. If I go eat with my colleagues at work, I stick to an ubiquitous tuna sandwich. But I’ll eat whatever my wife cooked for dinner, even cooked beef (I loath cooked meat), but as a penance. 🙂

But I’ve been trying to abstain from myself in the last few weeks. My proud ego is a tough beast to tame, so I have to humiliate myself in all things that make me think of others in a lesser way.

…by the way this thread has gone from discussing not eating to discussing what we like to eat, human nature, so very weak !!!😃
Yes, Teresa. I had noticed. And guess who was responsible for that. . . ?

Naughty you.

I’m having trouble working out what real bread is, I haven’t eaten any fake bread yet?
Most bread is fake bread so you’ve probably eaten lots of it. It can be difficult to tell unless your a bank teller.
Yes, Teresa. I had noticed. And guess who was responsible for that. . . ?

Naughty you.

Dear Romano

I freely admit it, I’m a very weak human being! 🙂

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Most bread is fake bread so you’ve probably eaten lots of it. It can be difficult to tell unless your a bank teller.
Dear Romano

If all bread is fake , then in that sense it isn’t real and when I have done bread and water fasts in the past, then I really wasn’t eating the bread and was only doing a water fast…wow I had no idea I was such a spiritual athelete :rotfl: , well I even surprise myself sometimes!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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