Dear Oren,
“And anyone, even if they don’t have knowledge of any of the Revelation from God could see that just from their own reasoning.”
quote, Oren.
Tell it to the Dali Lama, Oren.
Revelation is revelation; human reason is human reason.
The idea of a Creator might occur to someone:
St.Paul: “They have no excuse.”
But the God of Israel and Jesus are arrived at only
by revelation.
Human beings are situated in time and place.
If an individual’s parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles
are Buddhist, there’s a pretty good chance that
he/she might accept Buddhism as “true”.
To impose a template of Western Judeo-Christianity
on the East is to misunderstand, profoundly I think,
what happens in other cultures.
The knowledge that God is One [Hear, O Israel, the
Lord our God, the Lord is One," and the further
knowledge of the gospel of Jesus has to be
proclaimed to be known.]
You know, I never spent 10 minutes reading
anything on Hinduism. The prospect of no God
is more understandable to me than polytheism.
I mean no disrespect by that, it just never struck
me as remotely credible.
“And anyone, even if they don’t have knowledge of any of the Revelation from God could see that just from their own reasoning.”
quote, Oren.
Tell it to the Dali Lama, Oren.
Revelation is revelation; human reason is human reason.
The idea of a Creator might occur to someone:
St.Paul: “They have no excuse.”
But the God of Israel and Jesus are arrived at only
by revelation.
Human beings are situated in time and place.
If an individual’s parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles
are Buddhist, there’s a pretty good chance that
he/she might accept Buddhism as “true”.
To impose a template of Western Judeo-Christianity
on the East is to misunderstand, profoundly I think,
what happens in other cultures.
The knowledge that God is One [Hear, O Israel, the
Lord our God, the Lord is One," and the further
knowledge of the gospel of Jesus has to be
proclaimed to be known.]
You know, I never spent 10 minutes reading
anything on Hinduism. The prospect of no God
is more understandable to me than polytheism.
I mean no disrespect by that, it just never struck
me as remotely credible.