What do you say to Jehova's Witnesses?

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sometimes they will be girls and a lot of them looks relaly good… so i start to flirt with them just to piss them off…
There is just something very WRONG with that approach. These people mean well even if their theology is wrong. If you are Muslim, isn’t it a sin to "play/flirt with girls to piss them off? As a Catholic and a Christian it is very wrong and a sin.

Yuck…I just think what you do is just plain YUCK!!!
I guess I would simply smile and say, “Thanks, I am a Christ-follower and am not interested in veering from the path God has set before me…” ??? Does that sound like a quick and easy, guilt-free way to handle it? Or is it rude?
It’s not rude.
How would you handle a Muslim that came to your door?
What a great question,… please start a thread just for that…

your question,… your thread… bet it gets to 500+ posts if the thread is worded to encourage Muslim (name removed by moderator)ut as to what they would say if given the opportunity.
What a great question,… please start a thread just for that…

your question,… your thread… bet it gets to 500+ posts if the thread is worded to encourage Muslim (name removed by moderator)ut as to what they would say if given the opportunity.
will do!
Yes but do Muslims come to the door to witness/convert? I didn’t think that was a part of their practice.
Yes but do Muslims come to the door to witness/convert? I didn’t think that was a part of their practice.
now come on… this could be interesting… they are here at the forum, and might inlighten us as to what they would say IF…

like how would they dress… come in two, or two hundreds, ask a question first, or just start “evangelizing” etc…
When they show up at our house, and offer their material, I always offer them some of ours, saying, “I’ll read yours if you promise to read mine”. They’ll be back in their car and gone in no time.
My Mother always just put to them work, either they would stay and help or run.

Seriously, ask them for an unabridged copy of all their writings from day one of their movement ( starting with charles russells ) writtings to the present on CD ROM. Emphasize unabridged. the older JW will say in effect that those works are not public viewing, classified. The younger JW will become interrested in reading those earily works and in time will discover that watchtower theology had a problem of changing often, missed end of the world dates, so on.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Take Action Against Opposing Views
Published on: March 17th, 2006 12:03am by: dannyhaszard
(OPENPRESS) March 17, 2006 – This website,www.davidgladden.com has existed for several years providing quotes and supplemental scans of publications and secret internal documents to demonstrate the dubious and morally questionable activities of the Watchtower Society.
For several years the Watchtower Society never took issue with the quotes and scans; however something new was recently added to the web site. The owner of the site posted an internal document from within Watchtower Society that details how they run their branch operations around the world, who writes their anonymous publications, how they control and transfer finances between countries, deal with decent in the organization, and many other revealing topics such as how they hide information in order to avoid liability. In addition to this a standards manual that describes how they write their publications was also make public.
Several months ago after another website, quotes.watchtower.ca, in Canada was sued for making available many direct quotes from Watchtower publications. The function of the website was very simple: Provide readers with a topical index of the beliefs and teachings of the Watchtower Society using nothing but verifiable direct quotes from the Watchtower Society’s own publications.
Apparently “Fair Use” is not a concept understood by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Peter Mosier, the owner of this website, was not able to afford the legal fees required to fight the lawsuit, so he was forced to settle out of court. The settlement required him to destroy all copies of his website and enforced a gag order against him. The Watchtower Society also took possession of the quotes.watchtower.ca domain name as part of this settlement.
Apparently the Watchtower Society is trying to crush all organized dissenting views on the Internet. Perhaps we are seeing the beginnings of an aggressive new campaign similar to the one seen with the Church of Scientology: No public dissenting views will not be tolerated. It seems this time, with the www.davidgladden.com website, the Watchtower Society used Copyright law to eliminate the embarrassing quotes from their publications in addition to embarrassing and potentially incriminating internal documents that were leaked.
Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 the Watchtower society is required to provide the web hosting company with a letter that details all of the alleged copyright violations. This letter is to be written under penalty of perjury. After repeated requests the owner of the website has yet to receive this letter, yet his website was still taken down by the web hosting company. “I believe this was an unlawful take-down action”, said David Gladden, the owner of the website. David Gladden added, “I don’t understand how the Watchtower Society can claim any monetary losses on their part since Jehovah’s Witnesses routinely distribute their copyrighted publications free of charge to the public.”
Go to www.ewtn.com The audio files of The Journey Home has testimonies of former JWs which might help you know what issues to address when you are speaking to them.

If you have a really knowledgable apologist friend, invite them to a meeting where he/she is available to talk to them.

I thoroughly recommend Beginning Apologetics 2: How to Answer Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons available from catholicapologetics.com/ba2.htm

Back issues of Envoy Magazine
www.envoymagazine.com/ backissues/2.3/whatwouldyoudo.html
My great aunt asks them in to pray a rosary with her.

I just told them I was Catholic and they seem to have left me alone. 👍
whenever a mormon or JW stops me or tries to talk to me… i either play around with their head… or if i dont have time i tell them i am a Jew
By that comment, you tell us Islam teaches lying is okay! So, then I reject Islam on this basis for a religion teaching its adherents to tell lies is a false religion.
one of my friend was a JW and after school he would stand outside witht eh watchtower and try to preach…i felt sorry for him because he wasa bright dude but fell in the hands of this cult…
Muslim, you are so blinded by the cult of Allah that you do not even know what a cult is! Cults refer to any organised societies, in your Arabic tongue, “jamaah” or “hezb” while in our English language “church”. To us, Christians, Islam is also a cult: one centered around Muhammad as Muslims worship him obeying his Sunnah (ie. Gospel of Muhammad). Islam is therefore a Pan-Arab cult of Allah. Its members give worship in Arabic to the God of the Arabs, Allah, who is Muhammad.
murtad said:
**By that comment, you tell us Islam teaches lying is okay! So, then I reject Islam on this basis for a religion teaching its adherents to tell lies is a false religion.

Muslim, you are so blinded by the cult of Allah that you do not even know what a cult is! Cults refer to any organised societies, in your Arabic tongue, “jamaah” or “hezb” while in our English language “church”. To us, Christians, Islam is also a cult: one centered around Muhammad as Muslims worship him obeying his Sunnah (ie. Gospel of Muhammad). Islam is therefore a Pan-Arab cult of Allah. Its members give worship in Arabic to the God of the Arabs, Allah, who is Muhammad.

wow…i would like to know how you came to that conclusion…yeah i am blind…
i have mentioned many times i REVERTED to Islam few months ago…and no Islam does not teach me to lie…yeah we are the ones with a sense of humor problem…
Having had 2 visitors from the Joeys Ws the other day I simply said Good Day, no I do not wish to talk to you as I am a devout Roman Catholic…but would you like a glass of water before going on your way (it was quite steamy), they declined, they left.

It is the same for the Baptists who occasionally visit, and it would be the same for any other religious visitor, no need for rudenss just pleasant fimness.

Mind you if my priest came to visit I would probably need some sal volatile first and then I would be rushing about to make tea etc.🙂
these encounters are picking up, we must be in evangelization season, coincides with bird migrations. They are usually very brief, I suppose because anyone standing at my front door has a view of a full-size retablo of OL Guadalupe, on an altarcito full of candles, icons, and a 7’ rosary on the wall, plus a crucifix laden with palms.

If they believed in holy water they would probably be sprinking as the scurried away from the house.

Seriously, what I do is invite them in, thank them for their courage in living out the demands of their faith, ask if we can pray together, my prayer is always the same, “Lord please bless your children and send your Holy Spirit to guide us so that we may always speak your truth to the nations.” They can hardly disagree with that sentiment.

then I offer them water bottles and little packets made up by our Confirmation students containing Pillar of Fire in Eng/Spanish, and a couple of pamphlets from OSV - top 10 reasons for returning to the Catholic Church, and top 10 questions about the Catholic Faith. It also has a flyer inviting them to Inquiry classes and bible study in our parish. We also have these packets in the parish and offer them to anyone who evinces an interest in RCIA, joining the parish etc.
A group? I usually see them in pairs, or a single dude. I always invite them in for a chat 😃
Tell them you do not believe in the teaching of the JW but then ask them to come in and we can pray about it,thats when they will leave you alone
Will Pick:
Tell them you do not believe in the teaching of the JW but then ask them to come in and we can pray about it,thats when they will leave you alone
I was raised a JW. I don’t want them to leave me alone. I want them to examine their faith in the light of historical Christianity.

I think Henry Cardinal Newman was absolutely correct when he said, “To be steeped in history is to cease to be Protestant.”
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