What do you think about lifesitenews?

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I’m calm. 🙂 Was just a remark, an observation. I think the analogy was more ambiguous than it being just about the abortion culture. That’s how I read it, anyways.
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The question is about how the actual issue is addressed or not addressed.
Remind me what the actual issue is. I don’t think we have strayed far from the thread title and original post.
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Not a few. And there are indeed problems. My main trouble is that I think lsn has made it their mission, one of them, anyways, to go on a personal crusade against Pope Francis and employ very poor journalistic practices, if you could even call it that, at all, to accomplish that end.
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Everyone knows the tactics. That they’re being mentioned in a conversation about the potential bias of a media outlet is telling.
Not as telling as the fact that out of over 160 posts on a thread purportedly about the media bias of a media outlet no one has provided any conclusive evidence of actual bias, and hardly anyone has even attempted to do so.

‘Bias’ being defined as prejudice for or against a person, group or thing in a manner that has been shown to be unfair or inaccurate.
You’re right about the junk. But when 90 percent of the supposedly available helpers are minimizing the atrocity of mass abortion, you work with the few who don’t minimize, even when they (unfortunately) also have some junk.
Not as telling as the fact that out of over 160 posts on a thread purportedly about the media bias of a media outlet no one has provided any conclusive evidence of actual bias, and hardly anyone has even attempted to do so.

‘Bias’ being defined as prejudice for or against a person, group or thing in a manner that has been shown to be unfair or inaccurate.
I’m not sure that you understand what bias is if you don’t think the founder of lifesitenews banning someone who has the audacity to comment is a story saying that the charges against Roy Moore are all made up that, just maybe, the stories have credibility is an example of bias.
That would depend on the content of the comments. Do be clear that the allegations against Moore were and remain allegations and haven’t been proven in any court. Yes, I understand they have been proven in your mind, but that isn’t exactly the legal standard, now is it?

Perhaps LifeSite banned the comments because they bordered on being slanderous? But, of course, bias against Moore might make it difficult for you to see that.

Yes, I know what bias is. My standards for determining guilt are just a tad higher than looking at party affiliation or whether someone has been endorsed by Donald Trump.
And there are indeed problems…employ very poor journalistic practices, if you could even call it that, at all, to accomplish that end.
  1. LSN sometimes is overly loud and nasty. I disagree with nastiness.
  2. It has been asked at least twice on this thread if there are any better publications SPECIALIZING IN PROLIFE issues. None have been nominated.
  3. Before the Civil War, slavery was one of the 25 or so social problems in the South. All the Responsible, Professional, Respected voices were preaching CONCERN about slavery, and giving it exactly 4% of their attention.
  4. A few loud, nasty, divisive abolitionists fought slavery, and even questioned the Responsible voices for their tepid 4% response to slavery. The Responsible voices denounced as single-issue fanatic anyone who spent more than 4% of their energy on Slavery. In my diocese they do the same with prolifers. (“Abortion is one of 25 issues, therefore it is irresponsible to give it more than 4% of our attention. Why aren’t prolifers concerned about broken sidewalks in neighborhoods?”)
  5. I regret, but willingly forgive, the Abolitionists (or LSN) for their anger and occasional hysteria. I do not understand the Responsible voices today who regard Divisiveness as a bigger problem than mass abortion.
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Not a few. And there are indeed problems. My main trouble is that I think lsn has made it their mission, one of them, anyways, to go on a personal crusade against Pope Francis and employ very poor journalistic practices, if you could even call it that, at all, to accomplish that end.
It could be argued that in any other context, the determination of whether a news organization has “made it their mission” or is “carefully laying out a case,” ought to be done by looking at the actual evidence that has been laid out and determining how truthfully it has been presented.

Take the 2017 listing of articles about Pope Francis that @QContinuum cited in this thread. Whether that series of articles show something of their biased " mission" or is, instead, LifeSiteNews’ attempt to make a careful and detailed case by showing a pattern of behaviour, is something that ought to be determined in an unbiased way BEFORE any claim is made regarding whether the series of articles is, itself, a proof of bias.

You may as well claim that defense or prosecuting attorneys are demonstrating extreme bias merely by the fact that they have engaged in presenting evidence for or against the defendant. Heck, you may as well claim the police have shown bias merely by collecting that evidence.

Perhaps, LifeSiteNews has become convinced that Pope Francis needs to change something of his behaviour pattern precisely because of what his behaviour pattern reveals. I mean, to take one example, if every time Pope Francis is interviewed by Scalfari, the results are a scandalous blowup of misinformation, you would think the proper and prudent response would be for Pope Francis to stop giving interviews to Scalfari. In some sense, Francis is supposed to be a model for us all in terms of the application of prudential wisdom, no?
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… employ very poor journalistic practices, if you could even call it that, at all…
I wish the thread could have been titled “What do you think about the Mainstream Catholic Media’s response on prolife matters”?

The secular media is obsessed with denouncing “Divisiveness” as the greatest evil of the century. The mainstream Catholic media is almost as obsessed. They are very, very disturbed. I mean about
disturbed about divisiveness, they are only Concerned about abortion. It is 1 out of 25 issues, give it 4% of our attention.

The Responsible media employ very professional journalistic practices, deplore divisiveness above all. The key word is Moderate.
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That would depend on the content of the comments. …

Yes, I know what bias is. My standards for determining guilt are just a tad higher than looking at party affiliation or whether someone has been endorsed by Donald Trump.
So, you didn’t read the comments and then have judged that my example doesn’t show bias. It seems like you have a bias here that you ignored the comments and made a conclusion that it wasn’t bias. I’m glad you cleared up your bias for everyone.
So let me get this straight, your own example of a commenter who said…
  1. …that he “respect this [LifeSiteNews] site immensely,
    [*]…that he “enjoy reading the articles each day,”
    [*]…that he "agree with 99.9% of the articles,
    [*]… and who posted “for at least 4 years and have never had an issue with anyone” on the site.

That is the evidence you want to offer as the most compelling reason why LifeSiteNews is to be completely condemned because, according to you, “They have no principles,” and they merely concoct “…a bunch of irrelevant points to demonize their opponents…” which only “…qualify as stretching the truth or lying because that’s what they do and they are not a credible news source?

You may want to reread your own quote from Michael Eberl, because what HE has to say about LifeSiteNews isn’t quite what YOU have to say about it.
“Steve, Let me first state that I respect this site immensely and enjoy reading the articles each day. This truly is an excellent and needed publication. I agree with 99.9% of the articles, but disagree on this one subject. I simply noted that you appeared to be stating even if some of the allegations against Moore were true, it did not matter because it occurred 40 years ago and he is now an honorable man. The truth does matter and to be banned because I pointed out this fact is outrageous. I have posted as Ebes64 on this site for at least 4 years and have never had an issue with anyone. I hope you reconsider my banishment, if not no problem. Michael Eberl - Ebes64”
Speaking of clearing up bias for everyone by purely concocting a bunch of irrelevant points to demonize your opponents, you may want to think before you post again.

Unlike some posters, apparently, I do actually try to comprehend the significance of what people on CAF and elsewhere are writing by actually reading and thinking about their words.
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I think at this point we need to bring in the inquisitors.

Can anyone recommend some good jesuits…(wait, wait, that could be a conflict of interests, let’s see…the Dominicans, then.)
You claimed there wasn’t concrete evidence and I have provided concrete evidence that they do not follow the principles they stated…
Your own witness, Michael Eberl, claims agreement with LifeSiteNews 99.9% of the time, so I suppose the fact that they do not “follow the principles they stated” 0.1% of the time, according to your prime (and only) witness, is hardly a damning charge against them.

I wish I could boast that kind of track record.

Perhaps you are perfect in following the principles that you state?

Or perhaps the work-around is to not state any principles so then there exist no principles that have to be followed?
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I’m not sure how banning a long time user that took a point of view contrary to the founder of LSN is an irrelevant point given their stated principles.
You’ve brought up ONE banning on a controversial issue – that hardly establishes a pattern or a propensity.

I’ve seen many users banned from CAF forums (both old and new) for points of view that weren’t exactly clear infringements of stated principles. Such determinations are subjective to some or even great degrees. Again, hardly a just warrant for your vituperation.
I must give this post a like if only for teaching me a new word. Thankyou.
I must give this post a like if only for teaching me a new word. Thankyou.
That is a good start.

Next on the list is to raise the level of reasoning and critical thinking beyond ambiguous terms and emotional rhetoric.

By that, I don’t mean yours, I mean mine. 😊
Yes, he does claim to agree with LSN 99.9% of the time. And, yet, he was banned from commenting because he dared disagree with the founder about the allegations against Roy Moore as he found them credible and the founder of LSN did not. This is a clear violation of the principles stated by LSN stated in the post by Believe_85.
Okay, so explain to me again how the banning of Ebes64 who was free to – and subsequently did – post as Michael Eberl was such a despicable act by LifeSiteNews?

In particular, since all the comments of Michael Eberl / Ebes64 were left on the LifeSiteNews combox for everyone to see and reference? Yes, nasty game they are playing.

Not exactly demanding a pound of flesh or a first-born child, was it?
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I move that we assemble the College of Cardinals and bring the entire staff of LSN before them to answer for their actions.
I’m not sure how banning a long time user that took a point of view contrary to the founder of LSN is an irrelevant point given their stated principles.
To put this little issue to sleep permanently, here are the principles of the LifeSiteNews forum:
LifeSiteNews welcomes thoughtful, respectful comments that add useful information or insights. Demeaning, hostile or propagandistic comments, and streams not related to the storyline, will be removed.

LSN commenting is not for frequent personal blogging, on-going debates or theological or other disputes between commenters.

Multiple comments from one person under a story are discouraged (suggested maximum of three). Capitalized sentences or comments will be removed (Internet shouting).

LifeSiteNews gives priority to pro-life, pro-family commenters and reserves the right to edit or remove comments.

Comments under LifeSiteNews stories do not necessarily represent the views of LifeSiteNews.
Seems to me that a commenter such as Ebes64 alleging unproven misconduct by Roy Moore definitely infringes upon the first principle and not banning someone who continued to put forth unproven and demeaning allegations against Moore could have left LifeSiteNews open to possible legal action.

Removing such comments is definitely permitted by the second bolded principle where the right to remove comments is explicitly stated.

If anything, the principles don’t mention anything about banning commenters, per se, but that is standard practice in discussion forums.

So, “given their stated principles,” it is difficult to see how LifeSiteNews acted in any thing like a disreputable manner.
This has been the longest defense of bad journalism, I’ve ever witnessed.

Lifesitenews is probably the best source for news regarding prolife issues, but total garbage when reporting about the Catholic Church, at large.
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