This is my impression of what Calvinists believe. If I am mistaken on either of these, please tell me…
- Human beings do not have free will.
- Your actions in life have no bearing on whether you end up in Heaven or Hell.
Are at least these two points in line with Calvinism?
2 is easier to answer briefly, because issue 1 is confused by ambiguities as to
- what one defines as freedom
- how to distinguish the faculty of FW from the exercise of FW
- what is meant by FW in God, in the unjustified on earth, in the justified on earth
So that when Calvinists deny FW, what they are denying seems to be “libertarian FW” - which we would also deny. For them, as I understand it, freedom is what agrees with God’s Will - whatever is not in accord with that, is not freedom in any worthwhile sense. In which they are surely right.
Is man responsible for his sins ? Definitely.
Do the elect sin ? Of course. But Christ has paid a full satisfaction for their sin; He is their Surety, so their enormous guilt & their unpayable debt has been fully paid by Him, & is no longer chargeable to them. He has made no such atonement for the non-elect, so “the wrath of God abides upon them”.
As for 2 - the suggestion is a half-truth: it’s true in the sense that the elect cannot (so to put it) “sin away” their election: election is God’s deed, not theirs. And no amount of disobedience or ingratitude on their part can prevail against the settled, victorious, almighty & all-wise purpose of God in electiog this or that particular person: for election is of
particular persons. The sins of the elect are still sins, but they have no power to destroy the elect - they are sinners, but their sins against their own souls & well-being will lead to their being chastised (Hebrews 12) but not damned; they cannot destroy themselves, for they cannot prevail against God, any more than the devil can. So they are safe even from their own unregenerate hearts.
And if they are elect, they will be justified, sanctified & regenerated (however imperfectly) - so they will have a “new heart” as promised (Jeremiah 31.31-34),
with new & heavenly affections, longings, & motives; so they will want, however imperfectly, to do the Will of Christ, instead of living only to themselves. “And this comes from the Lord Who is the Spirit” - not from them. IOW, the Work of Christ makes a difference to those for whom it is undertaken. It is not fruitless. Catholics & Calvinists agree that it changes people - they differ as to the details of how.
Election is always going to seem unfair to somebody: because it is election of X, so not of Y. This is no more unfair than anything else in life - it is equally “unfair” that X choose A as a spouse, rather than B. Or that A is good & Maths, while B is not. It doesn’t follow that B doesn’t receive many great blessings in other ways. Election is simply a form of difference between entities which can be chosen - & difference is part of the variety of creation. One might as well complain of not being the Archangel Gabriel

. God’s Providence has ordained all things, even the very least, first for His Glory, & also, for the good of His elect - hence Romans 8.28. To complain of differences, is to forget that God gives His goods
as He sees fit - it is not for us to dictate to Him, because He sees all things, & we do not.
If 2 means that Calvinism is fatalistic - it isn’t.
Hope that helps
