Moving stations from cities to airports in the period prior to 1990 would have “possibly” meant “generally cooler,” though that is doubtful — perhaps you could do your burden of work here and show that with evidence — because airports after 1990 could have warmed considerably due to air traffic intensity. This needs to be demonstrated — just as you demand Heller does — by YOU deciphering Hansen and proving it. Why should I be the only one to have to wade into the weeds and prove every iota while you bask in generalities and trust of so-called authorities?They had no significant impact on the global mean. About half of that increase was due to information obtained about station moves (mostly from cities to airports where conditions were generally cooler), the other half from changes in the time of observation (mostly as a consequence of a concerted effort to transition to a uniform time of observation for a whole network of stations).
Heller deals with time of observation bias later in that video and shows that it makes no discernible difference to the past vis a vis the present so a 0.5° C adjustment is unwarranted. Morning and afternoon stations show virtually no difference in trend over the entire historical record so the warrant for cooling the past by 0.5° C doesn’t exist.
Here are three graphs to demonstrate how the TOB isn’t a legitimate concern and doesn’t justify the adjustment.
Here is the data from the consistent weather stations that reported from 1920 to the present. The higher reading of the morning stations is because these were/are predominantly located in the south where it is warmer and people were more likely to take morning readings.
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Note the consistent downward (cooling) trend at all the weather stations, no matter whether those were read in the morning or the afternoon, and very little difference between all the stations and those which were “stable” in the sense of reporting every year from 1920.
To make it clear what the trend is and plots are very similar so TOB isn’t a thing, Heller normalizes all the plots to 1990. There is very little difference between them.
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In this chart Heller adds the “adjusted” plot line from NOAA in light blue. It is completely discrepant from the other plot lines including the dark blue “stable” line in that it alone shows a warming trend.
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