The reason there is what is called an adversarial structure to the legal system is to provide each side with the proper motivation to make the best case. The judge or jury is the neutral and balanced arbiter that decides which side can muster the best case.Scientists should at least be held to the standards they profess, and one of those is transparency. “Trust me” is not a scientific concept, yet what NOAA has done with the adjustments is exactly that: they alone know why the data have been manipulated as they were.
We hear a great deal about “vested” interests, often with the underlying implication that one side or other is biased and therefore cannot be trusted. However, having vested interests within an impartial juridical process offers the best opportunity and likelihood that each side is motivated to present the strongest case they can.
The problem with the “consensus” view is that by citing the consensus in science, advocates of that view free themselves of any burden to actually defend against new allegations and evidence by citing the consensus as a defeater to all upcoming potential objections.
Science, and any other endeavor, could be well serviced by those who are highly motivated to present the best case for the side of the argument they represent, as well as forcing the dominant position to not “rest on its laurels,” so to speak.
There is no reason that the discussion and truth about climate change couldn’t better be advanced by more of an adversarial approach, as in the judicial system. Each side, highly motivated to express their findings, data and conclusions could be afforded a full opportunity to do so, while an impartial body (a jury of qualified scientists with no skin in the game) could arbitrate the case.
What we have now is a skewed system where one side has most of the funding, much of the motivation, and the great bulk of media cheerleaders promoting the cause. There is no reason to think such a one-sided “consensus” is actually interested in the truth or true state of the climate, (as opposed to consolidating political power) precisely because there is so much at stake.
Imagine a highly funded climate scientist proving finally that CO2 isn’t the problem it is made out to be. What would happen? All the climate scientists currently being lavished with funding BECAUSE the pending catastrophe had been heretofore made out to be so dire, would be bereft of funds precisely because there would be very little need to investigate the climate long-term.
Sure fossil fuel companies have a vested interest, but so do climate scientists who are regaled with money because they have convinced a great mass of the population, the press and left leaning politicians that the climate situation is so dire.
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