It does raise the issue of gatekeeping and of who is qualified to be involved in the decision making process, which has grave implications for democracy.
A FREE AND OPEN DEMOCRACY HAS TRADEOFFS,… to those catholics here, a democracy allows us to freely attend Sunday mass,… it also allows jews to go to temple, muslims to attend a mosque OR an atheist to attend
the church of no shopping if they so decide
likewise a free and open democracy allows
individuals w/ no formal science education to gather together to discuss wacky ideas, like the earth is flat
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sadly people on social media do not often consider the very real fact that idiotic/unscientific beliefs do get people killed
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WRT a hard science like physics (that takes many years of effort and hard work to learn), the reason I studied it and find it so appealing is because there is an absolute clarity unlike in say a debate about what religion is better (i.e. christian vs jew vs muslim) since the final proof is in the scientific process AND not something subjective such as “cult” personality likability
in this long thread about climate change, noticed that all too often things that I thought to be pretty common knowledge, others that were not so well educated found some concepts to be totally surprising,… like “moist air is lighter than dry air”
What do you think of climate change? Social Justice
As a former pilot I can confirm that moist air is less dense than dry air,… so “scientifically speaking,… moist air is lighter than dry air,…” NO-DUH,… just sayin’ that understanding the big picture of science and politics as it relates to climate change requires a specific skill set (otherwise people will remain unable to “see”)
[The Blind Men and the Elephant] in my case started my informal pilot training really young because my dad was an engineer in the aerospace industry, …
also noticed the all too human trait of overestimating ability,… IOW WRT understanding the actual climate science
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I was very fortunate to learn in high school the sin of PRIDE (i.e. excessive belief in one’s own abilities) is a really bad personality trait
@ university because I was among some truly smart people both student and professors (who were world class researchers who were luminaries in their field of study),… basically if I had shown any tendency of excessive belief in one’s own abilities and was not able to back it up, lets say they (i.e. fellow students and various professors) would made it abundantly clear AND I would not have been able to learn much
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long story as to issue of gatekeeping and of who is qualified,… unfortunately in a democracy it is not too hard to find examples of people in leadership roles having insane ideas w/ no basis in scientific fact!!!
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