Or do you want to go back and actually deal with points made by Delingpole?
You get just one. Pick the “best” one. I don’t have time for a “boatload” of claims.
The actual data from the past 150 years shows…
The climate alarmists seek to disallow …
This fails to account for the fact that since the 19th century…
… when many scientists were proclaiming “another ice age”…
…global temperatures we have experienced in the past 20 years are nowhere near…
The alarmists ignore those, or interpolate them away using computer AL-GORE-ithms…
…or this on, or numerous others show a “boatload” of examples…
of how the historical records have been altered ostensibly to “prove” CO2 is the cause of warming.
The climatedata.ca website demonstrates that even the Government of Canada…