I stand corrected,Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous
scientific research concludes that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the
primary driver.
No, I am done. I’m done pretending that there is some likelihood the American Chemical Society or the National Academies of Science or the American Meteorological Society or the American Physical Society are either hoodwinking us or being hoodwinked. This is in their wheelhouse, so those are the possibilities.I stand corrected,
The challenge is still open to you though, respond to the arguments presented in the above video, without resorting to ad hominems.
The claims being made haven’t been refuted, hence they remain valid objections.You keep on as long as you like, but please admit that he is making no new claims that the rest of the scientific community or even the meteorology or atmospheric chemistry or physics community is unaware of.
Done means done. Dust shaken from feet. Done. Continue the “discussion” with someone else.The claims being made haven’t been refuted, hence they remain valid objections.
As I posted separately, the models have yet to be validated by the scientific method, hence their thousands of feedback assumptions should remain open to questioning.
FWIW “we” have to realize,…What bothers me is the lengths that people are willing to go to in order to find an answer to concerns about global meterological measurements that doesn’t support the conclusion that humans would do better if we were consuming a lot less petroleum, as if they were defending the Faith.
AND its an uphill battle against,…there is lots of info to process by human beings ill-equipped (i.e. not intellectually or emotionally prepared) to deal w/ CC
actually,… even if there was a fundamental understand of basic science along w/ an appreciation of “risks” (by non-scientists), we also need to account for “paralysis” due to denial,…sigh,… yet another idiotic-deniers-theory that is being spread on “teh interwebz” as legitimate scientific gospel truth
to break out of the emotional deadlock, “faith” (in what basic science is saying) along w/ moral teachings is the key that is neededthe scientific idea of an existential threat associated w/ CC is something few willingly face head on
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God gave us this world to manage. We can either take care of it and make it better, or we can destroy it. I do believe that climate change is real. God has given us the knowledge to know how to combat climate change. It is up to us to use that knowledge to stop to trend toward climate change.
sadly trying to teach people of faith the basics of CC science (given human nature) is easier said than done!!!any thoughts about the parable of the vineyard owner which seems apropos to a homily about “climate change”
Here is a brief summary:
National Catholic RegisterA landowner set forth a vineyard with great care and lavish attention. He then entrusted it to tenant farmers. At harvest time, he sought his share of the produce. Yet instead of giving the owner what was due him, the tenant farmers refused, ridiculing, beating, and even killing the servants sent to collect his share. They end by killing the landowner’s own son.
When Jesus asks his audience what they thought the owner would do in response, they replied that he would put the men to a wretched death and lease his vineyard to other tenants who would give him the produce at the proper time. Obviously, they did not realize that in the parable the Lord was actually describing them, and that such a judgment would be upon them unless they repented.
seems I’m a glutton for punishment, because I’m “hopeful” that by repeatedly pointing out the basic science, eventually it is going to make some headway decreasing the knowledge gap between the concerns of what hard science scientists have come to understand AND what the non-science trained public (at large) thinks it knowsBy the way, @phaster, welcome to CAF. You started a big thread. The thread you just started is not an outlier to CAFWhy can’t we agree on what’s true any more?
What we are discovering is that, once the limitations on data capture are removed, there are escalating opportunities for conflict over the nature of reality.
http://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/sep/19/why-cant-we-agree-on-whats-true-anymore.save yourself
The issue is the cause of global warming. Throwing in other disaster scenarios is simply a distraction from the tenuousness of the primary claim.The increased levels of CO2 are also lowering the pH of the oceans…
actually looking at the ocean eco system,… this is just the tip of the ice berg (so to speak)ignorance is bliss? [The Matrix (1999) Ignorance is Bliss] perhaps so given the magnitude of the problem(s)?! FWIW The takeaway (WRT CO2 and climate change) the fact that global seawater pH levels are dropping is a sign that stuff happening isn’t normal,… or said another way,… mankind has a dramatic influence on the environment
why do you ignore posts that disagree with your point of view, is the science too much sometimes?said another way, w/ out a fundamental understanding of basic science, it seems like an endless cue of
Confessions of a climate scientist: the global warming hypothesis is an unproven hypothesis, https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2019/09/a-climate-modeller-spills-the-beans/
seems this topic should be considered water under the bridgeyou say?
How about a list of credible scientists who predicted global cooling…
the BIG problem w/ CC is learning to appreciate the risks which are subtle in nature (yet have far reaching consequence)over the years more than once I’ve heard, climate skeptics say scientists in the 1970s were saying we were heading toward an ice age,…
the reason scientists in the the 1970s said that an ice age was going to occur is because looking at the big picture of the solar system in geological time (ten’s to hundreds of thousands of years), THE RELATIVE POSITION OF THE EARTH IN AN ICE AGE PERIOD IS GOING TO BE FARTHER AWAY FROM THE SUN (THAN IT IS NOW), so the earth in effect will have less intense sunlight hit the surface, so its like an winter season that lasts for a really long period of time
(see 6th question,… why do we have a very real problem?)
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once one understands the basic “physics,…” the math of “Climate Change” here on earth is rather straight forward,…
The Mathematics of Climate Change
given the general lack of necessary formal education back ground in high level math, physics, chem, bio, etc., demonstrated, over and over again,… when for example you called attribution studies junk sciencewhy do you ignore [some] posts
it took me awhile to make clear the metaphor why “Earth Has a Fever”sigh,… attribution studies,… junk science?! in the YouTube video [Attribution of Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change: Report Release Briefing] w/ individuals presenting and doing a Q and A session at the US academy of sciences,… on the topic of attribution studies …so for example,… on one side w/ years of schooling/work-experience w/ diverse backgrounds like Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd who led the American Meteorological Society USN (Ret) Rear Admiral, Dr. D…
@ender dismissing the connection of CO2 w/ pH levels in the oceansThat is a lame analogy as the average temp varies far more. as I have tried to point out to @LeafByNiggle and @HarryStotle the conditions necessary to grasp ideas,… like the metaphor why “Earth Has a Fever” has a great number of big obstacles!! actually,… the great number of big obstacles explains why there are “political” (not “scientific”) comments on this thread,… for “recent” example & AND looking at the much bigger picture we see news (just this week alone) about the pope sayin…
along w/ his thinking the idea that the earth is a black body,…PetraG:![]()
The issue is the cause of global warming. Throwing in other disaster scenarios is simply a distraction from the tenuousness of the primary claim.The increased levels of CO2 are also lowering the pH of the oceans…
…many people here not having a grasp on the basics like,… ”human-caused carbon emissions VS greenhouse gases generated by volcanoes” for examplesigh,… yet another idiotic-deniers-theory that is being spread on “teh interwebz” as legitimate scientific gospel truth [Series of Tubes] ever feel like you’re a character in ground hog day scenario trying to set things straight and escape? back in high school as a demonstration my physics teacher used a small propane torch to heat up to “white hot” a copper toilet ball float (w/ a hole in it) before he gave a lecture on the topic (see these applicable notes) http…
I had totally missed this one, lol. Good grief, excuse me for pointing out that high levels of CO2 have more than one known detrimental effect on the earth over which we have been given temporary stewardship! That was SO off-thread of me!The issue is the cause of global warming. Throwing in other disaster scenarios is simply a distraction from the tenuousness of the primary claim.
You claimed that our current warming was “geologically unusual”. I responded to that claim and showed how it was not in fact true. In response to my comment you jumped to another, random claim that had nothing to do with the question of warming. This is the Wack-a-mole approach. Rather than defend one claim, other random claims are simply thrown out in the expectation of simply overwhelming what can be refuted, that the sheer volume of charges will suffice for the lack of the ability to defend any of them.I had totally missed this one, lol. Good grief, excuse me for pointing out that high levels of CO2 have more than one known detrimental effect on the earth over which we have been given temporary stewardship! That was SO off-thread of me!
There were, minimally, 77 claims about global cooling. You didn’t say I needed to prove a “consensus,” you merely stated that I needed to prove more than “a speculation of three researchers.”…
Another “there might be”.
OK, I’m getting tired of debunking your references. You have failed to show there was ever a scientific consensus or anything close to a consensus that global cooling was imminent.
So you wanted me to prove “a consensus” of meteorologists, then? You should have stipulated, but then, of course, it would not have allowed you to raise the objection you kept in your back pocket.My point is this supposed example of the scientific community predicting a doomsday turned out to be just a speculation of three researchers. Since you allowed that example to stand for all your list of examples, we may assume that none of them can be established as failed doomsday predictions by the scientific community, and so your list has been rendered irrelevant. I gave you the chance to pick a better, more supportable one, but you let me pick, so that’s that.
Point conceded. There were more than three.LeafByNiggle:![]()
There were, minimally, 77 claims about global cooling. You didn’t say I needed to prove a “consensus,” you merely stated that I needed to prove more than “a speculation of three researchers.”…
Another “there might be”.
OK, I’m getting tired of debunking your references. You have failed to show there was ever a scientific consensus or anything close to a consensus that global cooling was imminent.
You have not even shown it was widely held. You have listed 77 names, which surely don’t represent anywhere near a sizable fraction of the number of scientists studying climate at the time. And of those 77, I debunked a good number of them. So no, it was never a widely held view like global warming is now. No way.I am not clear what your standard for “the scientific community” means, but surely I didn’t need to show “a consensus,” whatever that means; merely that the idea was widely held in the community of scientists.
If you enlarge the definition of scientific community to include all sorts of scientists, that would work out to my advantage. For then to show a view was widely held among that larger group you would have to show a larger set of people predicting global cooling. So I don’t care how you define scientific community. Your choice. You still can’t show global cooling was widely held because it wasn’t.I have met that burden of proof.
You also didn’t specify “meteorologists,” you simply said “scientific community.” Now you want to refine the standard to “meteorologists?”
It is not arrogance to recognize that man’s activities can affect the climate. It is simply recognizing what is. Even the lowly bacteria can affect the atmosphere. So why can’t man?Has anyone stopped to consider that this silliness has it’s source in the pride of the Fall.
Man has thought himself capable of controlling God’s creation since taking hold of The Apple.
And the idea that man can control and alter the course of Earth’s destiny is a part of that arrogance.
So how many actually accredited “meteorologists,” specifically, and at a PhD level, were around in the 1970s? You provide the numbers, and I can track down how many of those considered global cooling a viable possibility.So I don’t care how you define scientific community. Your choice. You still can’t show global cooling was widely held because it wasn’t.